punchbox is a simple to use music box card creator. It will take a standard MIDI file and convert it into SVG files suitable for printing
- MIDI file reading
- Custom page size
- Reversible staves
- Custom music box definitions
- Automatic note transposition for best fit
- Multiple staves per page
- Cut markers with custom size
- Margin support
Coming soon:
- Gap analysis
- Note proximity
To install, clone the repo, cd into it and then execute the following:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install .
To get an example output, use
punchbox <yourfile.mid> --output <name>
And multiple svg files will be generated with <name>.svg
and a numerical appendix
Usage: punchbox [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]
Run punchbox on a file
--output TEXT Sets the output file name prefix (filenames
will have [0-9].mid appended)
--name TEXT sets the name of the piece added to the output
sheets for identification
--musicbox TEXT choose from multiple music box configurations
from the yaml
--marker-offset INTEGER sets the offset for the cut marker lines (top +
bottom) in mm
--marker-offset-top TEXT sets the offset for the marker (top only), in
--marker-offset-bottom TEXT sets the offset for the marker (bottom only),
in mm
--marker-size INTEGER sets the size of the cut marker, in mm
--margin FLOAT sets gap between two sheets on a page, in mm
--font-size FLOAT sets the font size, in mm
--divisor FLOAT adjustment variable to compress/expand time
(change tempo)
--transpose-upper INTEGER sets a limit on the upper transposition (avoids
high notes)
--transpose-lower INTEGER sets a limit on the lower transposition (avoids
high notes)
--page-width FLOAT sets page size width, in mm
--page-height FLOAT sets page size height, in mm
--debug BOOLEAN all the output
--help Show this message and exit.
Command line options should really be placed inside the punchbox.yaml file, which can be edited freely. Options to configure the specific music box can be inspected in the default config file. Command line variables always override config file variables.
Currently the punchbox.yaml file config is not "configurable" if you are
pulling a newer version of punchbox, backup your config file and delete the
file - this will be solved in an update soon.
note_data: [60, 62, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100]
pitch: 2.0
reverse: True
note_collision: 5.0
divisor: 49.5
filename: mozart.mid
lower: -100
upper: 100
width: 297.0
height: 210.0
margin: 20.0
output: mozart
font_size: 1.0
marker_offset: 6
marker_size: 5
default_musicbox: 35note