This LaTeX template creates a full job application and attached CV when provided
2 complete input .tex files for personal and recipient data.
It uses pdflatex
and targets german recipients only!
To customize the PDF to your needs, you have to provide these two files:
-- contains your data and CV informationrecipient_file.tex
-- contains contact informarmation of the recipient
You can use the data_example/*.tex
files to create a dummy PDF
and as guidance to adjust the input .tex files to your real data.
To pass these files to ´make´/pdflatex
you have to define the pathes to them
as environment variables CV
and RECP
Then you can start the PDF creation. The code below will generate a test PDF and
put it into the locally created ´build´ folder.
´´´bash export CV=data_example/my_data.tex RECP=data_example/recp_file.tex make clean && make ´´´
You can use nix-shell
to replicate the required dependencies (see shell.nix
Of course you have to define certain information as variables to get a reasonable result but if you don't have any reasonable value to set, you still have to define the required variables as empty like ´\def\MyExample{}´.
You can provide any number of images of scanned documents to attach in the data folder
like data_example/*.{png,jpg}
Once all required and wanted images are present you can refer to them in your
file, in the \def\CVDocs
section, in a relative fashion.
Please consider a propper format and aspect ratio because the images will get
stretched to varying spaces left on a single page.
\subsubsection{Additional Certificate Title}
% and so on
Besides the images you explicitly define the PDF creation also requires fixed
images, ´profile_pic.jpg´ and ´signature.jpg´ to be presend in the my_data.tex
I don't really care and picked MIT out of habit.