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File metadata and controls

453 lines (342 loc) · 15.2 KB


Project Structure

The bycon project contains source code for the eponymous Python package as well as a number of server applications which are used to provide a Beacon webserver, additional server functions for statistical and graphical readouts (specifically geared towards copy number variation data) as well as support applications and libraries for data I/O and management of the implied MongoDB database environment.

!!! warning "Experimental Libraries"

At this time (**bycon v2.n "Taito City"**) the project's
libraries - which in principle can be installed directly from the Python Package
Index - should *not* be used for external applications since libary structure
and dependencies might change and are only kept in sync within the wider project

Additionally to the library and associated files a complete bycon-base Beacon server setup requires the installation of various endpoint apps contained in /beaconServer and - optionally - /byconServices (e.g. for retrieving supporting data such as collation statistics or genomic parameters).

We also provide a number of utility scripts and libraries which are not part of the general installation and might contain deprecated code or dependencies through the byconaut project.


  • web applications for data access
  • Python modules for Beacon query and response functions in lib


  • Python libraries for data handling and Beacon API functions with a main application calling the server functions and libraries as well as configuration data contained in subdirectories and files:
    • ./bycon/byconServiceLibs for beyond Beacon functionality executed through the endpoints in byconServices
    • ./bycon/config for instance independent or default configuration files
    • ./bycon/lib for the Python libraries (i.e. the real code)
    • ./bycon/rsrc with support files (ATM the genome and cytoband mappings)
    • ./bycon/schemas contains Beacon and other schema files, both in YAML source and JSON compiled format (JSON is read by the scripts)


  • documentation, in Markdown, as source for documentation builded with mkdocs


  • various resources beyond configuration data
    • mapping input table(s) for ontology trees
    • ...

./importers and ./housekeepers

  • Python scripts for data import and maintenance; see below


  |- beaconServer
  |   |
  |   `-
  |- bycon
  |   |
  |   |- config
  |   |   |
  |   |   |- beacon_mappings.yaml
  |   |   |- dataset_definitions.yaml
  |   |   |- filter_definitions.yaml
  |   |   `- ..._definitions.yaml
  |   |- lib
  |   |   |
  |   |   |-
  |   |   |-
  |   |   |-
  |   |   |-
  |   |    `- ...
  |   |- byconServiceLibs
  |   |   |
  |   |   |-
  |   |    `- ...
  |   `- rsrc
  |        `- ...
  |- docs
  |    `- ... documentation website source files ...
  |- local
  |   |- beacon_defaults.yaml
  |   |- dataset_definitions.yaml
  |   |- instance_definitions.yaml
  |   `- local_paths.yaml
  `- `requirements.txt` and other Python packaging files

??? note "PyPi based bycon library installation (not recommended)""

Since February 2023 `bycon` has been mad available as a Pypi package with standard
installation through `pip3 install bycon`. However, this installation will lack
the server components and is by itself only suitable for library utilization. 
In contrast to the package manager based library installations we highly recommend
to install locally from the source, using the installer provided with the project. 
Please follow the *Beacon Server Installation* procedure below.

Beacon Server Installation


An installation of a Beacon environment may involve following repositories and external requirements:

  • bycon
    • this repository
    • the core Beacon code for libraries and server API
    • required
  • a MongoDB database instance
    • see below
    • required
  • a webserver setup
    • see below
    • required for full functionality but tests can be run by custom scripts or local calls (YMMV)
  • beaconplus-web
    • the web front-end (React based with static compilation)
    • represents an advanced Beacon query interface
    • optional

MongoDB database instance

The MongoDB host server can be set with the environmental variable BYCON_MONGO_HOST. It otherwise defaults to localhost.


We use a Homebrew based installation, as detailed on the MongoDB website. On OS X this boils down to (assuming Homebrew has been installed):

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community

Then this shoul dbe started as a service & (probably) needs a restart of the computer (in case another or version was running etc.).

brew services start mongodb-community

The update works similarly:

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew upgrade mongodb-community
brew services restart mongodb/brew/mongodb-community

Webserver Setup

We use a "classical" webserver setup with Apache but probably other options would be fine...

Some configuration:

  • a directory for executables (e.g. .../cgi-bin/)
    • this has to be set as the default executable (CGI) directory
    • our Mac OS use: /Library/WebServer/cgi-bin/
    • we also use a /bycon wrapper directory inside the CGI dir (for hosting the beaconServer and optionally services directories with their scripts)
    • we use a rewrite directive to the main beacon (& optional services) apps which handle then path deparsing and calling of individual apps (see box below)
  • a server-writable temporary directory
    • our use: /Library/WebServer/Documents/tmp/

??? info "Example httpd.conf configuration settings"

These are some example configuration settings. Please search for the corresponding
settings in your server configuration and adjust acordingly.

# Set the document root - here using our example, YMMV

DocumentRoot    /Library/WebServer/Documents

# Enable script execution

LoadModule cgi_module /usr/libexec/apache2/

# Configure the global CGI-BIN

ScriptAlias  /cgi      /Library/WebServer/cgi-bin
ScriptAlias  /cgi-bin  /Library/WebServer/cgi-bin

<Directory "/Library/WebServer/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    SetHandler cgi-script
    Require all granted
# Allow (some) CGI-BIN scripts to be called with a short alias.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule "^/beacon/(.*)"   /cgi-bin/bycon/beaconServer/$1 [PT]
RewriteRule "^/services/(.*)" /cgi-bin/bycon/services/$1   [PT]
RewriteRule "^/?services$"    /cgi-bin/bycon/services/      [PT]
RewriteRule "^/?beacon$"      /cgi-bin/bycon/beaconServer/    [PT]

# Configure the global tmp

Alias  /tmp      /Library/WebServer/Documents/tmp

<Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/tmp>
    Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Local Installation Procedure

The project root contains an script to distribute the server scripts into the webserver root. Necessary parameters such as local paths have to be adjusted in the configuration files in local/, such as in local_paths.yaml.

!!! warning "Configuration adjustments"

Many of the parameters in `bycon` are pre-defined in `bycon/`
file and the `bycon/definitions/....yaml` files which are installed into the
`bycon` package in your Python `site-packages` tree. 
For your own databases to run additional configurations
**have to be provided through files in `local/....yaml`**. Those are then added
during installation to `your_script_directory/local/`. For the server version
the `local` files have to be copied to this target directory after each modification
to take effect (happens automatically when running the local installer scripts).

Some configurations

Preamble & Imports

The scripts in beaconServer and byconServices are configured as executables using the system Python #!/usr/local/bin/python3.

./local/authorizations.yaml (experimental)

While the Progenetix related prjects do not use any authentication procedures we provide an experimental framework for setting per dataset access according to a trusted user if needed. This essentially requires access control through a gatekeeper/proxy service and addition of a registered user with default and dataset specific permissions corresponding to Beacon responseGranularity levels.

In the example below the beacon will respond with a count response but e.g. grant record level access to a testuser but only for the examplez dataset.

  default: boolean
  default: count
  progenetix: record
  cellz: record
  examplez: record
  refcnv: record
  examplez: record    


Here at minimum the paths for the webserver tmp has to be defined (path elements as list items):

  - /
  - Library
  - WebServer
  - Documents
  - tmp

server_tmp_dir_web: /tmp


Please modify the data here for your local datasets. The schema should follow this default, with dataset ids as the root parameters:

  id: examplez
  name: Progenetix examples
  identifier: 'org.progenetix.examplez'
  description: "selected examples for database test installation"
  createDateTime: 2023-04-01
  updateDateTime: 2023-08-21
  version: 2023-08-21
  externalUrl: ""
  assemblyId: GRCh38
      - id: DUO:0000004
        label: no restriction
        version: 2023-08-21


This file defines the different Beacon instances provided through your installation, e.g. their info endpoint's content, URLs and potentially additional entry types supported.

The file has 2 root parameters for instance definitions:

  • local can be used to override package provided beacon_defaults (i.e. the local.beacon.defaults object is merged with the config.yaml provided global BYC["beacon_defaults"] object) and entity_defaults can modify or add to the ones defined in bycon's entity_defaults.yaml
  • domain specific root parameters allow to modify domains etc. for multi-beacon setups, including again entity and beacon defaults per domain/beacon

Local stack installation

The local developer mode installation removes the system bycon, compiles the current code base (e.g. containing your modifications) and then runs the installer script for the distribution of the server scripts. The following utility code is provided with the script (may change over time...):

pip3 uninstall bycon --break-system-packages
rm -rf ./dist
rm ./bycon/beaconServer/local/*.*
python3 -m build --sdist .
pip3 install $BY --break-system-packages
rm -rf ./build
rm -rf ./dist
rm -rf ./bycon.egg-info

There is also a --no-sudo modification option: ./ --no-sudo

Loading and maintaining data

The bycon project now contains support apps for data importing and preprocessing; this is evolving...

Option 1: Direct MongoDB example data import

The project comes with a small example dataset (called examplez) which can be imported directly from the MongoDB database dump. The following command will import the data (adjust the path if necessary):

tar -xzf ./rsrc/mongodump/examplez.tar.gz --directory ./rsrc/mongodump/
mongosh examplez --eval 'db.dropDatabase()'
mongorestore --db examplez ./rsrc/mongodump/examplez/
rm -rf ./rsrc/mongodump/examplez/

Additionally you might want to import the services database which e.g. contains collections for genome positions for genes an geolocations of most cities (which support specific query types).

tar -xzf ./rsrc/mongodump/_byconServicesDB.tar.gz --directory ./rsrc/mongodump/
mongosh _byconServicesDB --eval 'db.dropDatabase()'
mongorestore --db examplez ./rsrc/mongodump/_byconServicesDB/
rm -rf ./rsrc/mongodump/_byconServicesDB/

Option 2: Importing data importers

Core Data

A basic setup for a Beacon compatible database - as supported by the bycon package - consists of the core data collections mirroring the Beacon default data model:

  • variants
  • analyses (which covers parameters from both Beacon analysis and run entity schemas)
  • biosamples
  • individuals

Databases are implemented in an existing MongoDB setup using utility applications by importing data from tab-delimited data files. In principle, only 2 import files are needed for inserting and updating of records:

  • a file for the non-variant metadata1 with specific header values, where as the absolute minimum id values for the different entities have to be provided
  • a file for genomic variants, again with specific headers but also containing the upstream ids for the corresponding analysis, biosample and individual

The importers directory contains scripts supporting data import with a separate documentation page.

Maintaining, pre-processing or deleting data housekeepers

The housekeepers directory contains scripts supporting data import with a separate documentation page.


The following tests are based on the existence of the examplez database.

Command line test

Those tests can be run either from the local bycon/bycon/beaconServer/ directory or from the corresponding one in the web cgi directory, if installed.

./ -d examplez
./ -d examplez --testMode true
./ -d examplez --requestEntityPathId biosamples --testMode true
./ -d examplez --requestEntityPathId biosamples --testMode true --testModeCount 1
./ -d examplez --requestEntityPathId g_variants --testMode true
./ -d examplez --requestEntityPathId individuals --testMode true
./ -d examplez --requestEntityPathId biosamples --filters "pgx:icdom-94003"

Of note the --requestEntityPathId biosamples etc. here simulates and URL Mapping

Bycon web services are called through the app which is installed at the bycon server root. The system path for is


... where bycon_install_dir has to be user defined inside the local/local_paths.yaml configuration file (see Installation). The service URL format is based on the remapping of the script to the /services path and then extraction of the service name as the path parameter following /services/.


  1. Metadata in biomedical genomics is "everything but the sequence variation"