PHP library for color manipulation and conversion.
For PHP 7.3 or PHP 7.4, use version ^2.5, and check the php-7 branch.
Via Composer
$ composer require ozdemirburak/iris
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex;
$hex = new Hex('#ff00ff'); // same as new Hex('fuchsia');
echo $hex->red(); // ff
echo $hex->green(); // 00
echo $hex->blue(); // ff
echo $hex->values(); // ['ff', '00', 'ff']
$hexa = $hex->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ffff')
$hsl = $hex->toHsl(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl('300,100,50')
$hsla = $hex->toHsla(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla('300,100,50,1.0')
$hsv = $hex->toHsv(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $hex->toRgb(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $hex->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,1.0')
echo $hex; // #ff00ff
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa;
$hexa = new Hexa('#ff00ff4c');
echo $hexa->red(); // ff
echo $hexa->green(); // 00
echo $hexa->blue(); // ff
echo $hexa->alpha(); // 0.3 - as a float for compatibility with the other conversions
echo $hexa->values(); // ['ff', '00', 'ff', 0.3]
$hsl = $hexa->toHsl(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl('300,100,50')
$hsla = $hexa->toHsla(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla('300,100,50,0.3')
$hsv = $hexa->toHsv(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $hexa->toRgb(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $hexa->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,0.3')
echo $hexa; // #ff00ff4c
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl;
$hsl = new Hsl('hsl(300,100%,50%)'); // same as new Hsl('fuchsia');
echo $hsl->hue(); // 300
echo $hsl->saturation(); // 100
echo $hsl->lightness(); // 50
$values = $hsl->values(); // [300, '100%', '50%']
$normalizedValues = $hsl->valuesInUnitInterval(); // [300/360, 100/100, 50/100]
$hex = $hsl->toHex(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('ff00ff')
$hexa = $hsl->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ffff')
$hsv = $hsl->toHsv(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $hsl->toRgb(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $hsl->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,1.0')
echo $hsl; // hsl(300,100%,50%)
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla;
$hsla = new Hsla('hsla(150,100%,50%,0.3)');
echo $hsla->hue(); // 150
echo $hsla->saturation(); // 100
echo $hsla->lightness(); // 50
echo $hsla->alpha(); // 0.3
$values = $hsla->values(); // [150, '100%', '50%', 0.3]
$hex = $hsla->toHex(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('b2ffd8')
$hex = $hsla->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('0,255,128,0.3')
$hexa = $hsla->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ff4c')
echo $hsla; // hsla(150,100%,50%,0.3)
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv;
$hsv = new Hsv('hsv(300,100%,100%)'); // same as new Hsv('fuchsia');
echo $hsv->hue(); // 300
echo $hsv->saturation(); // 100
echo $hsv->value(); // 100
$values = $hsv->values(); // [100, '100%', '100%']
$normalizedValues = $hsv->valuesInUnitInterval(); // [300/360, 100/100, 100/100]
$hex = $hsv->toHex(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('ff00ff')
$hexa = $hsv->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ffff')
$hsl = $hsv->toHsl(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl('300,100,50')
$hsla = $hsv->toHsla(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla('300,100,50,1.0')
$hsv = $hsv->toHsv(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $hsv->toRgb(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $hsv->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,1.0')
echo $hsv; // hsl(300,100%,100%)
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb;
$rgb = new Rgb('rgb(255, 0, 255)'); // same as new Rgb('fuchsia');
echo $rgb->red(); // 255
echo $rgb->green(); // 0
echo $rgb->blue(); // 255
$values = $rgb->values(); // [255, 0, 255]
$hex = $rgb->toHex(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('ff00ff')
$hexa = $rgb->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ffff')
$hsl = $rgb->toHsl(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl('300,100,50')
$hsla = $rgb->toHsla(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla('300,100,50,1.0')
$hsv = $rgb->toHsv(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $rgb->toRgb(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $rgb->toRgba(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,1.0')
echo $rgb; // rgb(255,0,255)
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba;
$rgba = new Rgba('rgba(93,111,222,0.33)');
echo $rgba->red(); // 93
echo $rgba->green(); // 111
echo $rgba->blue(); // 222
echo $rgba->alpha(); // 0.33,
$hex = $rgba->background((new Hex('ccc'))->toRgb())->toHex(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('a7add1')
$hexa = $rgba->toHexa(); // \OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('a7add154')
echo $rgba; // rgba(127,127,127,0.5)
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Cmyk;
$cmyk = new Cmyk('cmyk(0,100,0,0');
echo $cmyk->cyan(); // 0
echo $cmyk->magenta(); // 100
echo $cmyk->yellow(); // 0
echo $cmyk->black(); // 0
$values = $cmyk->values(); // [0, 100, 0, 0]
$hex = $cmyk->toHex(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex('ff00ff')
$hexa = $cmyk->toHexa(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('ff00ffff')
$hsl = $cmyk->toHsl(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsl('300,100,50')
$hsla = $cmyk->toHsla(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsla('300,100,50,1.0')
$hsv = $cmyk->toHsv(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hsv('300,100,100')
$rgb = $cmyk->toRgb(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgb('255,0,255')
$rgba = $cmyk->toRgba(); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Rgba('255,0,255,1.0')
echo $cmyk; // cmyk(0,100,0,0)
If you do not know what the color string will be (for example, you're getting it from a group of rows from a database), then you can try using Factory to instantiate an appropriate color class:
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Factory;
$color = Factory::init('rgba(93,111,222,0.33)');
echo $color->red(); // 93
echo $color->green(); // 111
echo $color->blue(); // 222
echo $color->alpha(); // 0.33
You can clone a color object to make a copy and modify it as needed.
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex;
$original = new Hex('#b2b2b2');
$cloned = $original->clone()->toHexa()->alpha(0.5); // OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hexa('#b2b2b27f')
Saturate or desaturate by a percent.
echo (new Hsl('90,80%,50%'))->saturate(20)->toHex(); // #80ff00
echo (new Hsl('90, 80%, 50%'))->desaturate(20)->toRgb(); // rgb(128,204,51)
echo (new Hex('#80cc33'))->grayscale(); // #808080, same as desaturate 100
Lighten, darken or brighten by a percent.
$hex = new Hex('#333');
echo $hex->lighten(20); // #666666
echo $hex->darken(20); // #000000
echo $hex->brighten(20); // #666666
Spin by an angle [-360, 360]
$hex = (new Hsl('10,90%,50'))->spin(30)->toHex();
echo $hex; // #f2a60d
Mix by a percent.
$hex = new Hex('#000');
echo $hex->mix(new Hex('#fff'), 50); // #808080
Mix color with white by a percent.
$hex = new Hex('#000');
echo $hex->tint(50); // #808080
Mix color with black by a percent.
$hex = new Hex('#FFF');
echo $hex->shade(50); // #808080
Set the absolute opacity of a color by a percent.
$hsl = new Hsl('90,90,50');
echo $hsl->fade(10); // hsla(90,90%,50%,0.1)
$rgb = new Rgb('128,242,13');
echo $rgb->fade(10); // rgba(128,242,13,0.1)
Increase the opacity of a color by a percent.
$hsla = new Hsla('90,90,50,0.3');
echo $hsla->fadeIn(10); // hsla(90,90%,50%,0.4)
$rgba = new Rgba('128,242,13,0.3');
echo $rgba->fadeIn(10); // rgba(128,242,13,0.4)
Decrease the opacity of a color by a percent.
$hsla = new Hsla('90,90,50,0.3');
echo $hsla->fadeOut(10); // hsla(90,90%,50%,0.2)
$rgba = new Rgba('128,242,13,0.3');
echo $rgba->fadeOut(10); // rgba(128,242,13,0.2)
Determine if color is dark or light color.
$hex = new Hex('#000');
echo $hex->isLight(); // false
echo $hex->isDark(); // true
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$ composer test
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