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Creating A Project

Scott edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 5 revisions

Pick a project name. Everywhere that we use “firething”, replace that with your project name.

Create Firebase Project

  1. Create a new project in the Firebase panel using your project name
  2. Get necessary config for project:

App Config

  1. Go to Authentication Tab
  2. Click "Web Setup" in the top right corner

Cloud Messaging Config

  1. Go to Project Settings > Cloud Messaging
  2. messagingSenderId is part of app config
  3. For publicVapidKey: click "Generate Key Pair"

Cloud Messaging

Enable Services

Confirm the following services are enabled for your Firebase project:

  1. Enable Google Sign In Method under Auth tab
  2. Enable Firestore Database (test mode) and Real Time Database

Start Local Project

  1. Create a project folder then enter the new folder: mkdir firething && cd firething
  2. Now call the generator we installed through yeoman: yo react-firebase
  3. Answer the prompts:
    • Github Username - Your Github Username (leaving it blank will default to "testuser")
    • Firebase projectId - Project Id from Firebase config
    • Firebase apiKey - API Key from Firebase config
    • Include redux for local state-management? - Yes (default)
    • Use Firestore? - Yes (default)
    • Other Features To Include - All features (default)
    • What provider which you like to use for CI? - Gitlab (default)
    • What service are you deploying to? - Firebase (default)
  4. Install dependencies: npm i && npm i --prefix functions
  5. Start dev server: npm start
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