- b6a2d55 - Updated Work to 2.8.0.
- c4c66a7 - Migrated gradle plugin to 7.4.2.
- 11f8e78 - Updated
to 4.4.1. - 41a0ab0 - Updated MDC-Android to 1.9.0-alpha02.
- aa5f651 - Improved presets view.
- a64cae1 - Tint menu group divider properly.
- 4f22e5b - Added theme attributes for info view backdrop.
- e7a54c4 - Using local intent to update the theme.
- 7f8c8af 5575aa0 - Improvements for Android U.
- c6f84e6 - Improved drawer toggle animation.
48b3bff d2ef14a - Enable proguard for sample
to fix Kotlin verification error.