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  1. Pranav Ajith
  2. Kancharla Kiranmai
  3. B Niranjan (bn-nb)
  4. Anish Dixit
  5. Ishika Saini
  6. Aditya Abhiram Uppuluri


Before running the project, make sure the following are installed:

  1. Go - For the backend
  2. React - For the frontend
  3. Node Package Manager (npm) - For managing React dependencies
  4. Make Command (Optional) - Useful for running many executables in a single command

To Setup and Run the Project

You have two options for running the project:

Option 1: Run Backend and Frontend Together (Locally)

Open Command Prompt / PowerShell and run:

git clone
cd SIH-Samvidha
make run

Option 2: Run Backend and Frontend Independently (Locally) - {Ideal for Development}

  1. Clone the monorepo
git clone
  1. Create 2 Command Prompt / PowerShell instances inside 'SIH-Samvidha' folder. (Optional: Rename them to 'Backend Local Deployment' and 'Frontend Local Deployment' for reference) Run these independently in each.
make run-backend
make run-frontend

If 'make' commands are not working

  1. Open a Command Prompt instance at Project Root and run:
cd backend && go mod tidy && go run main.go types.go server.go userHandler.go lobbyHandler.go
  1. Open another Command Prompt instance at Project Root and run:
cd frontend && npm install && npm start