Data analysis of 2 electric scooter (rental) mobility companies with a goal to compare the operational metrics of both companies as well as to estimate the number of scooters they are operating. Data source: Analysis Description: Performed data cleaning via univariate analysis, metric analysis as part of EDA, data visualization via
- temporal analysis (peak ride demand by day of week and time of day) and
- spatial analysis (using origin-destination latitude and longitude positions).
● Key Summary:
- 1.5x to 2x difference in operations between 2 companies
- 12-6 PM on Weekends is when the rental demand peaks for both companies
- Casual/recreational is the rider persona
- 30 to 120 is the estimated scooter count based on overlapping trip logic
Programming Language: R (tidyverse package ecosystem) Report: R markdown (hyperlinked with table of contents) Decks: A PDF report with key summary is presented here as well