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Tutorial of IPOP access point for a user

Renato Figueiredo edited this page May 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

This tutorial guides users through the process of deploying IPOP on their computers to connect to a PRAGMA-ENT Access Point. In order to work, this tutorial assumes your PRAGMA-ENT site is currently running a PRAGMA-ENT IPOP Access Point - please contact one of the coordinators (below) to check if your site runs an Access Point.

If you would like to deploy an access point, please follow this tutorial

  1. Download the IPOP binary and controller file from the link below:

For CentOs user

or you can use on of the commands below on your console:

wget # for CentOs
wget # for Ubuntu
  1. IPOP requires python-argparse package as a prerequisite. Install it if you don't have it. (You don't need this step if you are Ubuntu user)
sudo yum install python-argparse
  1. Contact one of the coordinators by email to get a config file:
  1. Run ipop-tincan
sudo ./ipop-tincan-centos # For Centos
sudo ./ipop-tincan-ubuntu # For Ubuntu users
  1. Use the config file provided from the coordinator and run the controller.
./ -c config.json
  1. Now, you can see the ipop tap device when you list network interface.
ifconfig -a
  1. You may attach this ipop tap to your linux bridge or Open vSwitch to extend the PRAMA-ENT network. Or you can run it without attaching to any bridge.