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Tutorial of IPOP access point for a user

Renato Figueiredo edited this page May 24, 2016 · 6 revisions

This tutorial guides users through the process of deploying IPOP on their computers to connect to a PRAGMA-ENT Access Point. In order to work, this tutorial assumes your PRAGMA-ENT site is currently running a PRAGMA-ENT IPOP Access Point - please contact one of the coordinators (below) to check if your site runs an Access Point.

If you are a system administrator who would like to deploy an access point, please follow this tutorial instead

  1. Download the IPOP binary and controller file from the link below:

For CentOs user

or you can use on of the commands below on your console:

wget # for CentOs
wget # for Ubuntu
  1. IPOP requires python-argparse package as a prerequisite. Install it if you don't have it. (You don't need this step if you are Ubuntu user)
sudo yum install python-argparse
  1. Contact one of the coordinators by email to get a config file:
  1. Run ipop-tincan
sudo ./ipop-tincan-centos # For Centos
sudo ./ipop-tincan-ubuntu # For Ubuntu users
  1. Use the config file provided from the coordinator and run the controller.
./ -c config.json
  1. Now, you can see the ipop tap device when you list network interface.
ifconfig -a
  1. You may attach this ipop tap to your linux bridge or Open vSwitch to extend the PRAMA-ENT network. Or you can run it without attaching to any bridge.