This roll installs Comet cloudmesh client CLI on a virtual cluster frontend that is run on the physical Comet cluster. The CLI provides for maangement of the comet virtual cluster from the virtual cluster forntend. Tested on Rocks 6.2
- Python roll roll must be installed on the virtual frontend. It provides python 2.7.9
- Prerequisites that will be installed by the cloudmesh roll
- Cloudmesh client 4.6.2 ( form github as of Tue Apr 4 2017)
- pip 9.0.1
- virtualenv 15.1.0
Checkout roll distribution from git repo
# git clone # cd cloudmesh/
To build a roll, first execute a script that installs pip and virtualenv as prerequisites for building the cloudmesh client during the roll build stage:
# ./
Then build the roll
# make roll
The resulting ISO file cloudmesh-VERSION.iso is the roll that can be added to the virtual cluster frontend.
Make sure that the python roll is installed.
# rocks add roll cloudmesh-VERSION.iso # rocks enable roll cloudmesh # (cd /export/rocks/install; rocks create distro) # yum clean all # rocks run roll cloudmesh > # bash
The following RPMS install:
- cloudmesh-module: /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles/cloudmesh
- opt-cloudmesh: /opt/client/
- opt-cloudmesh-env: /opt/ENV/
- opt-pip: /opt/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip
- opt-virtual-env: /opt/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
Load the module and initialize the client
# module load cloudmesh # cm help
The second commadn will generate the template ~/.cloudmeshcloudmesh.yaml
Initiate the configuration from the template
# cm comet init
Examine if correct and represnet your comet environment. If no errors, run other cm commands as usual
# cm comet cluster