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Stand alone Client connection example

Pouriya Jahanbakhsh edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 1 revision




start_link(Port, Sec) ->
    Host = "",
                                ,Sec   % Init argument
                                ,[{connector_debug, [trace]}]).

connector_init(Sec, _Sock) ->
    %% I want to send packet after spending Sec
    %% I will do this in timeout/2
    %% I don't specify {state, _}, my state will be atom 'undefined'
    {ok, [{timeout, Sec * 1000}]}.

handle_packet(_Packet, undefined=_State, SMD) -> % SMD: Sockerl MetaData
    %% Echo server replies my packet
    %% I want to send next packet after spending previous timeout+1
    %% I will do this in timeout/2 too
    {ok, [{timeout, sockerl_metadata:get_timeout(SMD) + 1000}]}.

handle_disconnect(undefined = _State, _SMD) ->
    %% Will exit with reason 'closed_by_remote' if server closes connection
    {stop, closed_by_remote}.

timeout(undefined = _State, _SMD) ->
    %% I will send timestamp (in seconds) to server
    {Me, S, _Mi} = os:timestamp(),
    TSBin = erlang:integer_to_binary((Me * 1000000) + S),
    %% I don't change 'timeout' value, process keeps its last value and
    %%  after sending packet if server replies, i will change it (add 1
    %%  second to it) and if server doesn't reply, after that timeout
    %%  This function will called again.
    {ok, [{packet, TSBin}]}.

terminate(_Reason, undefined = _State, _SMD) ->

code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
    {ok, State}.

I implemented server in here.
Before starting server, try connecting to it and see the clean error information:

Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source-d5c06c6] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V8.3  (abort with ^G)
1> check_echo_server:start_link(8080, 1).
** exception exit: {socket_connect,[{reason,econnrefused},
                                    {info,"connection refused"},

Start echo_server in other terminal:

Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.3] [source-d5c06c6] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V8.3  (abort with ^G)
1> echo_server:start(8080).

Reconnect the client:

2> check_echo_server:start_link(8080, 1).
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083529">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083529"

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083531">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083531"

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083534">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083534"

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083538">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083538"

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083543">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083543"

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083549">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083549"

Close connection in server:

2> [{_,Con}] = sockerl:get_server_connections(echo_server).

3> sockerl:stop_connector(Con).

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Jul-2017::16:37:39 ===
** Sockerl connector "<0.185.0>" terminating 
** Reason for termination == "normal"
** State == "15"

Client process should exit with reason 'closed_by_remote':

*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" sent packet <<"1499083648">>
*DBG* Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" got packet "1499083648"
** exception error: closed_by_remote

=ERROR REPORT==== 3-Jul-2017::16:37:39 ===
** Sockerl connector "<0.278.0>" terminating 
** Reason for termination == "closed_by_remote"
** State == "undefined"
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