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Use new legend titles and support theme(legend.position=...) & theme(…
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…legend.direction=...), closes #1049
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cpsievert committed Feb 6, 2020
1 parent 65493ad commit fc009e3
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 87 deletions.
238 changes: 151 additions & 87 deletions R/ggplotly.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -905,83 +905,65 @@ gg2list <- function(p, width = NULL, height = NULL,
# will there be a legend?
gglayout$showlegend <- sum(unlist(lapply(traces, "[[", "showlegend"))) >= 1

# legend styling
gglayout$legend <- list(
bgcolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$fill),
bordercolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$colour),
borderwidth = unitConvert(theme$legend.background$size, "pixels", "width"),
font = text2font(theme$legend.text)

# if theme(legend.position = "none") is used, don't show a legend _or_ guide
if (npscales$n() == 0 || identical(theme$legend.position, "none")) {
gglayout$showlegend <- FALSE
} else {
# by default, guide boxes are vertically aligned
theme$ <- theme$ %||% "vertical"

# size of key (also used for bar in colorbar guide)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copied from body of ggplot2:::guides_build().
theme$legend.key.width <- theme$legend.key.width %||% theme$legend.key.size
theme$legend.key.height <- theme$legend.key.height %||% theme$legend.key.size

# legend direction must be vertical
theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "vertical"
if (!identical(theme$legend.direction, "vertical")) {
"plotly.js does not (yet) support horizontal legend items \n",
"You can track progress here: \n",
" \n",
call. = FALSE
theme$legend.direction <- "vertical"
# Layout of legends depends on their overall location
position <- ggfun("legend_position")(theme$legend.position %||% "right")
if (position == "inside") {
theme$ <- theme$ %||% "vertical"
theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "vertical"
theme$ <- theme$ %||% c("center", "center")
} else if (position == "vertical") {
theme$ <- theme$ %||% "vertical"
theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "vertical"
theme$ <- theme$ %||% c("left", "top")
} else if (position == "horizontal") {
theme$ <- theme$ %||% "horizontal"
theme$legend.direction <- theme$legend.direction %||% "horizontal"
theme$ <- theme$ %||% c("center", "top")

# justification of legend boxes
theme$ <- theme$ %||% c("center", "center")
# scales -> data for guides
gdefs <- ggfun("guides_train")(scales, theme, plot$guides, plot$labels)
if (length(gdefs) > 0) {
gdefs <- ggfun("guides_merge")(gdefs)
gdefs <- ggfun("guides_geom")(gdefs, layers, plot$mapping)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# colourbar -> plotly.js colorbar
colorbar <- compact(lapply(gdefs, gdef2trace, theme, gglayout))
nguides <- length(colorbar) + gglayout$showlegend
# If we have 2 or more guides, set x/y positions accordingly
if (nguides >= 2) {
# place legend at the bottom
gglayout$legend$y <- 1 / nguides
gglayout$legend$yanchor <- "top"
# adjust colorbar position(s)
for (i in seq_along(colorbar)) {
colorbar[[i]]$marker$colorbar$yanchor <- "top"
colorbar[[i]]$marker$colorbar$len <- 1 / nguides
colorbar[[i]]$marker$colorbar$y <- 1 - (i - 1) * (1 / nguides)
traces <- c(traces, colorbar)
# Until plotly.js has multiple legend support, we're stuck with smashing
# all legends into one...
legendTitle <- paste(
compact(lapply(gdefs, function(g) if (inherits(g, "legend")) g$title else NULL)),
collapse = br()

# legend title annotation -
if (isTRUE(gglayout$showlegend)) {
legendTitles <- compact(lapply(gdefs, function(g) if (inherits(g, "legend")) g$title else NULL))
legendTitle <- paste(legendTitles, collapse = br())
titleAnnotation <- make_label(
x = gglayout$legend$x %||% 1.02,
y = gglayout$legend$y %||% 1,
xanchor = "left",
yanchor = "bottom",
# just so the R client knows this is a title
legendTitle = TRUE
gglayout$annotations <- c(gglayout$annotations, titleAnnotation)
# adjust the height of the legend to accomodate for the title
# this assumes the legend always appears below colorbars
gglayout$legend$y <- (gglayout$legend$y %||% 1) -
length(legendTitles) * unitConvert(theme$legend.title$size, "npc", "height")
# Discard everything but the first legend and colourbar(s)
is_legend <- vapply(gdefs, is_guide_legend, logical(1))
is_colorbar <- vapply(gdefs, is_guide_colorbar, logical(1))
gdefs <- c(
if (gglayout$showlegend) gdefs[which(is_legend)[1]],

# Get plotly.js positioning and orientation of all the guides at once
positions <- plotly_guide_positions(gdefs, theme)

# Convert the legend
is_legend <- vapply(gdefs, is_guide_legend, logical(1))
if (sum(is_legend) == 1) {
gglayout$legend <- plotly_guide_legend(gdefs[[1]], theme, positions[[1]], legendTitle)

# Convert the colorbars
is_colorbar <- vapply(gdefs, is_guide_colorbar, logical(1))
traces <- c(traces, plotly_guide_colorbars(gdefs[is_colorbar], theme, positions[is_colorbar], gglayout))

# flip x/y in traces for flipped coordinates
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1324,14 +1306,109 @@ ggtype <- function(x, y = "geom") {
sub(y, "", tolower(class(x[[y]])[1]))

# colourbar -> plotly.js colorbar
gdef2trace <- function(gdef, theme, gglayout) {
if (inherits(gdef, "colorbar")) {
# sometimes the key has missing values, which we can ignore

plotly_guide_positions <- function(gdefs, theme) {
length <- 1 / length(gdefs)
isTop <- "top" %in% theme$legend.position
isLeft <- "left" %in% theme$legend.position

lapply(seq_along(gdefs), function(i) {
position <- (i / length(gdefs)) - (0.5 * length)
orientation <- substr(gdefs[[i]]$direction, 1, 1)
if (theme$legend.position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
xanchor = "center",
x = position,
len = length,
orientation = orientation,
yanchor = if (isTop) "bottom" else "top",
# bottom needs some additional space to dodge x-axis
# TODO: can we measure size of axis in npc?
y = if (isTop) 1 else -0.25
} else if (theme$legend.position %in% c("left", "right")) {
yanchor = "middle",
y = position,
len = length,
orientation = orientation,
xanchor = if (isLeft) "right" else "left",
# left needs some additional space to dodge y-axis
# TODO: can we measure size of axis in npc?
x = if (isLeft) -0.25 else 1
} else if (is.numeric(theme$legend.position)) {
x = theme$legend.position[1],
xanchor = "center",
y = theme$legend.position[1],
yanchor = "middle",
orientation = orientation
} else {
stop("Unrecognized legend positioning", call. = FALSE)

plotly_guide_legend <- function(gdef, theme, position, title) {
if (!is_guide_legend(gdef)) stop("gdef must be a legend", call. = FALSE)
legend <- list(
title = list(
# TODO: is it worth mapping to side?
text = title,
font = text2font(gdef$title.theme %||% theme$legend.text)
bgcolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$fill),
bordercolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$colour),
borderwidth = unitConvert(
theme$legend.background$size, "pixels", "width"
font = text2font(gdef$label.theme %||% theme$legend.text)
modifyList(legend, position)

# Colourbar(s) are implemented as an additional (hidden) trace(s)
# (Note these can't yet be displayed horizontally
plotly_guide_colorbars <- function(gdefs, theme, positions, gglayout) {
Map(function(gdef, position) {
if (!is_guide_colorbar(gdef)) stop("gdef must be a colourbar", call. = FALSE)

gdef$key <- gdef$key[!$key$.value), ]
rng <- range(gdef$bar$value)
gdef$bar$value <- scales::rescale(gdef$bar$value, from = rng)
gdef$key$.value <- scales::rescale(gdef$key$.value, from = rng)

colorbar <- list(
bgcolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$fill),
bordercolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$colour),
borderwidth = unitConvert(
theme$legend.background$size, "pixels", "width"
thickness = unitConvert(
theme$legend.key.width, "pixels", "width"
title = gdef$title,
titlefont = text2font(gdef$title.theme %||% theme$legend.title),
tickmode = "array",
ticktext = gdef$key$.label,
tickvals = gdef$key$.value,
tickfont = text2font(gdef$label.theme %||% theme$legend.text),
ticklen = 2

colorbar <- modifyList(position, colorbar)
if (identical(colorbar$orientation, "h")) {
"plotly.js colorbars cannot (yet) be displayed horizontally ",
call. = FALSE

x = with(gglayout$xaxis, if (identical(tickmode, "auto")) ticktext else tickvals)[[1]],
y = with(gglayout$yaxis, if (identical(tickmode, "auto")) ticktext else tickvals)[[1]],
Expand All @@ -1346,29 +1423,16 @@ gdef2trace <- function(gdef, theme, gglayout) {
marker = list(
color = c(0, 1),
colorscale = setNames(gdef$bar[c("value", "colour")], NULL),
colorbar = list(
bgcolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$fill),
bordercolor = toRGB(theme$legend.background$colour),
borderwidth = unitConvert(
theme$legend.background$size, "pixels", "width"
thickness = unitConvert(
theme$legend.key.width, "pixels", "width"
title = gdef$title,
titlefont = text2font(gdef$title.theme %||% theme$legend.title),
tickmode = "array",
ticktext = gdef$key$.label,
tickvals = gdef$key$.value,
tickfont = text2font(gdef$label.theme %||% theme$legend.text),
ticklen = 2,
len = 1/2
colorbar = colorbar
} else {
# if plotly.js gets better support for multiple legends,
# that conversion should go here
}, gdefs, positions)

is_guide_colorbar <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "guide") && inherits(x, "colorbar")

is_guide_legend <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "guide") && inherits(x, "legend")

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