A mobile/web APP to which users can upload their photos. Users need to sign in to upload & comment on them.
Will be hosted on Heroku eventually (estimated date of online launch 18.6.2015).
##How to use?
Out polagraph should be online at Heroku by Thursday 18.6.2015.
But until then:
Add dependencies will be installed by
npm install
#APP specs
- Storage:
- Images Amazon s3
- Everything else Mongo DB
- Authentication:
- Using a 3rd party authentication
- Stretch goal own login (hashing pw's etc)
- Image Upload
- Image View
- Image Delete
- Image comment
- Email alerting
- Signup
- Daily digest
- Data analysis
- Setting up data log
- Decide what we want to analyze
@ Pivotal tracker-> User stories & Epics & ToDoList
WDD -> Wine driven development
RDD -> ReadMe driven development
TDD -> Test driven development
##What we be using? The kickass framework of the week is HAPI JS (http://hapijs.com/)
-3rd party authentication with hapi plugin-> bell (https://github.com/hapijs/bell)
-Cookie based session management with bell to enable multiple pages-> (https://github.com/hapijs/hapi-auth-cookie)
-Data collection to logs [to enable data analysis] with hapi plugin->good (https://github.com/hapijs/good)
-Emailing delivery API -> Mandrill (http://mandrill.com/)
###File structure
Homepage: Does not require authentication
- Feed of most recent pictures from all users
- Login/Signup button
- Feed of most recent pictures from all users
- Ability to comment & upload
- Logout button
- User Profile (Name & details)
- Grid of your photos
- Upload link
- Logout button
- File chooser
- File preview
- Description input