- San Antonio
whisper.cpp Public
Forked from ggerganov/whisper.cppPort of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
C MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
RxSwift Public
Forked from ReactiveX/RxSwiftReactive Programming in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2019 -
flipper Public
Forked from facebook/flipperA desktop debugging platform for mobile developers.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2019 -
fastlane Public
Forked from fastlane/fastlane🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2018 -
yoga Public
Forked from facebook/yogaYoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Follow https://twitter.com/yogalayout for updates.
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 12, 2018 -
rsocket-cpp Public
Forked from rsocket/rsocket-cppC++ implementation of RSocket
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 5, 2018 -
cocoapods-private-repo Public
A private repo to develop a Proof Of Concept
Ruby UpdatedJun 26, 2018 -
componentkit Public
Forked from facebook/componentkitA React-inspired view framework for iOS.
Objective-C++ Other UpdatedJun 22, 2018 -
peertalk Public
Forked from rsms/peertalkiOS and Mac Cocoa library for communicating over USB
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedJun 22, 2018 -
boost-for-react-native Public
Forked from react-native-community/boost-for-react-nativeThe Boost C++ library source code used to build React Native from source
C++ Boost Software License 1.0 UpdatedMay 7, 2018 -
dynamic-to-static Public
This ruby gem converts Dynamic Frameworks to Static Frameworks.
dependencyswapper Public
The best way to swap Cocoapods dependencies between source/development and non-source frameworks
umbrella-header-linter Public
The Linter for Umbrella Headers on iOS/watchOS/macOS/tvOS Frameworks.
proof-of-concept Public
This is an application that proofs static libraries load faster than dynamic libraries on iOS