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Matt Karl edited this page Sep 5, 2022 · 2 revisions

PixiJS has recently introduced bounties. These are small sums of money that are assigned to high-value bugs or features. Typically these are assigned to address the most timely, impactful or severe bugs. Community contributors may submit pull-requests for bounties, have them reviewed, and merged similar to any other pull-request. Bounties are paid through PixiJS's Open Collective account. This page contains some more specific information about how Bounties work for PixiJS.

🔍 Discovery

Please use the 💰 Bounty tag within open issues to discover the list of opened bounties. Typically these bounties have award amounts ranging from $25-200 USD.

🤝 Claiming

Important notes about submitting pull-requests for bounties:

  • PRs for the same bounty are considered in the order they are submitted (Draft PRs do not count!)
  • The first PR to be merged is entitled to the bounty
  • Bounty payments are made by submitting an invoice to Open Collective, please make sure to include a link to the original issue and PR.

📣 Sponsoring

If you are a developer or company working on a project and you'd like to sponsor a one-off bounty, please reach out to Matt Karl @bigtimebuddy at [email protected] and he can arrange the details.

  • Sponsors should please make one-time donations to Open Collective
  • We kindly request that sponsors please add an addition 10% to the bounty to cover Open Collective's fees