Howto auto sitemap generation in middleman.
First of all, you need to have the builder gem installed. You can do this via console:
gem install builder
or add to your Gemfile:
gem "builder"
in your config.rb you need to require 'builder',
require 'builder'
and remove the layout from your sitemap.xml via:
page "/sitemap.xml", :layout => false
Next, create a sitemap.yml file in your data folder with this content:
url: http://localhost:4567
and replace the url with your domain.
+Next, copy the sitemap.xml.builder in this repo to your project root folder. Now, start your middleman server, and take a look at http://localhost:4567/sitemap.xml
To override the default changefreq and priority values adding the corresponding local yaml data to the page:
changefreq: "weekly"
priority: "1"
If you need a sitemap or list of all your middleman pages, then you create a sitemap.html.erb with the following content:
<% root_url = data.sitemap.url %>
<% sitemap.resources.each do |page| %>
<% if page.url =~ /\.html/ %>
<li><a href="<%= "#{root_url}#{page.url}" %>"><%= "#{root_url}#{page.url}" %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
If you don't wanna have layout at this page, don't forget to add:
page "/sitemap.html", :layout => false
to your config.rb.