Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.js
“UIx eliminates the learning curve for React developers new to ClojureScript, allowing them to write familiar patterns seamlessly.” – Misha Karpenko, Pitch
“UIx allows us to leverage the modern React ecosystem to efficiently build ClojureScript apps.” – Juho Teperi, Metosin
“UIx offers a seamless React integration, making code more efficient with powerful component composition, hooks, and customizable linting for enforcing best practices.” – Chris Etheridge, Cognician
- API compatibility: React v19.0.0
- Discuss at #uix on Clojurians Slack
- Try it out in the playground
- A slide deck explaining UIx and migration path from Reagent
- Talk about UIx at London Clojurians meetup
- "The State of Frontend" by Alexander Davis
- ClojureStream podcast: E94 UIx with Roman Liutikov
npm install react@19.0.0 react-dom@19.0.0 --save-dev
{:deps {com.pitch/uix.core {:mvn/version "1.4.2"}
com.pitch/uix.dom {:mvn/version "1.4.2"}}}
- Run
npx create-uix-app@latest my-app
to scaffold a new project - Clone starter template manually from pitch-io/uix-starter
- Use fullstack starter project from Metosin metosin/example-project
- Template project of a web app hosted on Cloudflare with REST API served from SQLite roman01la/uix-cloudflare-template
(:require [uix.core :refer [defui $]]
(defui button [{:keys [on-click children]}]
($ :button.btn {:on-click on-click}
(defui app []
(let [[state set-state!] (uix.core/use-state 0)]
($ :<>
($ button {:on-click #(set-state! dec)} "-")
($ :span state)
($ button {:on-click #(set-state! inc)} "+"))))
(defonce root
(uix.dom/create-root (js/document.getElementById "root")))
(uix.dom/render-root ($ app) root)
- What is UIx?
- Components
- Elements
- Hooks
- State
- Effects
- Props validation
- Interop with React
- Interop with Reagent
- Code-splitting and React.lazy
- Migrating from Reagent
- Server-side rendering
- Hot reloading
- React DevTools
- Code linting
- Differences from Reagent
- Testing
- Utilities
- Examples
- Internals
- Other render targets
- Getting help from ChatGPT
- Routing
- Global state management
- Data validation
- clojure.spec (supported by compile-time props validation)
- malli
- Data fetching (unless using routing library with built-in data fetching)
- TanStack Query v4, (v5 doesn't work with Closure Compiler)
- Async code
- UI component libraries
- Styling
- Icons
- Forms
- Internationalization
- Pitch
- Pitch iOS app
- Cognician
- Multiply
- Totcal
- ClojureScript Studio
- Ogres, virtual tabletop
- ShipClojure
- Metosin
There are several ways how you can contribute to the project:
- Improve documentation: cover missing pieces, add code examples
- Add, improve docstrings
- Propose and implement improvements and new features
- File and fix bugs
- Increase test coverage
You can support this project via Github Sponsors or Buy Me a Coffee.
Note: to ensure you're using the right Node.js version, you can use nvm and run nvm use
once in the directory. Otherwise the Node.js version you use is in the .nvmrc
file. See nvm repo for more documentation.