- Italy / Switzerland
- superfluo.org
wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
If you would like to internationalize your javascript/css files the same way you do in the rest of application... then this is for you.
pic / jquery-rails
Forked from rails/jquery-railsA gem to automate using jQuery with Rails 3
This plugin adds a view where user can check journal updates like in an inbox
Quick and dirty solution to send a notification to users when the issue enters a specific state
pic / redmine_drafts
Forked from jbbarth/redmine_draftsThis plugin tries to answer issue #2910 : warning on leaving edited issue page without saving or save issue as draft
pic / amazon-ec2
Forked from grempe/amazon-ec2A Ruby Gem that gives you full access to several of the Amazon Web Services API from your Ruby/Ruby on Rails apps
pic / adva_cms
Forked from svenfuchs/adva_cmscutting edge cms, blog, wiki, forum ...
This plugin tries to answer issue #2910 : warning on leaving edited issue page without saving or save issue as draft
pic / facebooker
Forked from mmangino/facebookerThe facebooker Rails plugin
Official Geokit plugin for Rails/ActiveRecord. Provides location-based goodness for your Rails app. Requires the Geokit gem.
pic / geokit
Forked from geokit/geokitOfficial Geokit Gem. Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations. Pair with the geokit-rails plugin for full-fledged location-based app functionality.
Official Geokit Gem. Geokit gem provides geocoding and distance/heading calculations. Pair with the geokit-rails plugin for full-fledged location-based app functionality.
mojodna / oauth
Forked from pelle/oauthOAuth for Ruby--canonical repository is at oauth/oauth-ruby
pic / selenium-on-rails
Forked from paytonrules/selenium-on-railsThe "official" Selenium On Rails repository, synced with OpenQA.
Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
The "official" Selenium On Rails repository, synced with OpenQA.
snouhaud / globalize
Forked from pic/globalizeFork of http://www.globalize-rails.org/
Globalize is a Ruby on Rails plugin designed to support multilingual applications (official repository).
ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models.
WARNING : You probably don't want this code. Its archived and ancient and probably doesn't work. Try the official AWS Ruby SDK instead.