- Database for retrieval system
- Faiss database
- Graph search
- Online searching
- DuckduckGo search
- OpenAI
- Gemini
- HuggingFace
- Flow
- PAL flow
- Documents
pip install git+https://github.com/phuvinhnguyen/FlowDesign.git
This framework can be used to create new flow easily, for example:
from FlowDesign.processor import *
class PALFlow:
def __init__(self, chatbot, working_dir='.'):
nlp = TextProcessor(chatbot, 'Write a executable Python program to solve the problem: {query}', 'llm')
parser = ParseCodeProcessor('{llm}')
exec = PythonProcessor(working_dir=working_dir)
self.flow = nlp*parser*exec # ask llm to gen code -> parse code -> exec code
def chat(self, query: str) -> str:
result = self.flow(IOBase({'query': query})).run
return result['program_out'] if result['program_out'] != None else result['program_err']
How to use the built-in PAL flow with gemini
from FlowDesign.flow.pal import PALFlow
from FlowDesign.chatbot.base import GeminiBot
bot = GeminiBot('GEMINI_TOKEN')
flow = PALFlow(bot)
output1 = flow.chat('what is the result of (1231.23*3242.432^2)/7?+pi^(2^pi)-e^(pi^2)') # can be difficult even with GPT4
output2 = flow.chat('sort this list: [1,232,4,432,34,25,13,31,23,32,324,3,5,23,32,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]') # can be very difficult with the list is larger (1000 numbers for example) even with CoT, ToT, GoT