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Pierre-Henri Symoneaux
Sep 13, 2016
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A formatted and aligned table printer written in rust.


Copyright © 2016 Pierre-Henri Symoneaux

Check LICENSE.txt file for more information.

How to use


Include the library as a dependency to your project by adding the following lines to your Cargo.toml file:

prettytable-rs = "^0.6"

Basic usage

You can start using it in the following way:

#[macro_use] extern crate prettytable;
use prettytable::Table;
use prettytable::row::Row;
use prettytable::cell::Cell;

fn main() {
	// Create the table
	let mut table = Table::new();
	// Add a row
	table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
    table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]);
    // Or the more complicated way :

This code will produce the following output:

| ABC     | DEFG | HIJKLMN |
| foobar  | bar  | foo     |
| foobar2 | bar2 | foo2    |

Using macros

To make the code simpler, the table! macro is there for you. The following code would produce the same output :

#[macro_use] extern crate prettytable;

fn main() {
	let table = table!(["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
    				   ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
    				   ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]

Using the ptable! macro would even print it on stdout for you.

Tables also support multiline cells content. As a consequence, you can print a table into another table (yo dawg ;). For example:

let table1 = table!(["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
				   ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
				   ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
let table2 = table!(["Title 1", "Title 2"],
					["This is\na multiline\ncell", "foo"],
					["Yo dawg ;) You can even\nprint tables\ninto tables", table1]

Would print the following text:

| Title 1                 | Title 2                      |
| This is                 | foo                          |
| a multiline             |                              |
| cell                    |                              |
| Yo dawg ;) You can even | +---------+------+---------+ |
| print tables            | | ABC     | DEFG | HIJKLMN | |
| into tables             | +---------+------+---------+ |
|                         | | foobar  | bar  | foo     | |
|                         | +---------+------+---------+ |
|                         | | foobar2 | bar2 | foo2    | |
|                         | +---------+------+---------+ |

Rows may have different numbers of cells. The table will automatically adapt to the largest row by printing additional empty cells in smaller rows.

Do it with style

Tables can be added some with style like colors (background / foreground), bold, and italic, thanks to the term crate.

You can add term style attributes to cells programmatically:

extern crate term;
use term::{Attr, color};



Or you can use the style string:


Where FrBybc means Foreground: red, Background: yellow, bold, center.

With macros it's even simpler:

In rows, for each cells:

row![FrByb->"ABC", FrByb->"DEFG", "HIJKLMN"];

Or for the whole row:

row![FY => "styled", "bar", "foo"];

In tables, for each cells:

table!([FrBybl->"A", FrBybc->"B", FrBybr->"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456]);

Or for each rows:

table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [Frb => 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]);

Or a mix:

table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [Frb->1, Fgi->2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 3]);

List of style specifiers:

  • F : Foreground (must be followed by a color specifier)
  • B : Background (must be followed by a color specifier)
  • b : bold
  • i : italic
  • u : underline
  • c : Align center
  • l : Align left
  • r : Align right
  • d : default style

List of color specifiers:

  • r : Red
  • b : Blue
  • g : Green
  • y : Yellow
  • c : Cyan
  • m : Magenta
  • w : White
  • d : Black

Capital letters are for bright colors. Eg:

  • R : Bright Red
  • B : Bright Blue
  • ... and so on ...


Tables can be sliced into immutable borrowed subtables. Slices are of type prettytable::TableSlice<'a>.

For example:

use prettytable::Slice;
let slice = table.slice(2..5);

Would print a table with only lines 2, 3 and 4 from table.

Other Range syntax are supported. For example:

table.slice(..); // Returns a borrowed immutable table with all rows
table.slice(2..); // Returns a table with rows starting at index 2
table.slice(..3); // Returns a table with rows until the one at index 3

Customize your table look and feel

You can customize the look and feel of a table by providing it a prettytable::format::TableFormat. For example you can change the characters used for borders, junctions, column separations or line separations. To proceed, you can create a new TableFormat object and call the setter methods to configure it, or you can use the more convenient prettytable::format::FormatBuilder structure.

For example:

let mut table = /* Initialize table */;
let format = format::FormatBuilder::new()
						&[format::LinePosition::Top, format::LinePosition::Bottom],
						format::LineSeparator::new('-', '+', '+', '+')
				.padding(1, 1)

Would give a table like the following:

| Title 1     | Title 2    |
| Value 1     | Value 2    |
| Value three | Value four |

For convenience, some predefined formats are provided in the module prettytable::format::consts. For example:


Would give a table like the following:

| Title 1     | Title 2    |
| Value 1     | Value 2    |
| Value three | Value four |



Would give:

Title 1     | Title 2    
Value 1     | Value 2    
Value three | Value four

Check API documentation for the full list of available predefined formats.

Note on line endings

By default, the library prints tables with platform specific line ending. Thin means on Windows, newlines will be rendered with \r\n while on other platforms they will be rendered with \n. Since v0.6.3, platform specific line endings are activated though the default feature win_crlf, which can be deactivated. When this feature is deactivated (for instance with the --no-default-features flag in cargo), line endings will be rendered with \n on any platform.

This customization capability will probably move to Formatting API in v0.7.

Additional examples are provided in the documentation and in examples directory.