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New Title and BugFix

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@denproc denproc released this 19 Jun 17:47
· 106 commits to master since this release

PyTorch Image Quality (PIQ) v0.4.1 Release Notes

  • New title
  • New feature - PSNR
  • Code quality assessment
  • BugFix

New Title - PyTorch Image Quality (PIQ) (#107)

New easy to remember title "PyTorch Image Quality (PIQ)" is introduced for our library with this release. This change allows importing all the metrics easier using just three letters piq. Moreover, the new title resolves the consistency between naming in different services (GitHub, PyPi). As a result, one could use automatic tools of IDE to detect if the library is messed and to install it straight away.

New Feature - Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) (#95)

The Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) was added to the library in this release. The PSRN is compatible with greyscale and RGB images. In the case of an RGB image, one could use all three channels to compute the ratio or transfer image to YCbCr colour space and use luminance. Check out Examples at for more details.

Code quality assessment (#99)

SonarCloud was introduced to the project to improve the quality of the contributed code to the library.



  • The issues with GPU compatibility were resolved (#87);
  • Back-propagation was fixed (#88);
  • New assertions were added for images with values of variance around zero (#88).


  • The issues with GPU compatibility were resolved (#91).


  • The issues with GPU compatibility were resolved (#103);
  • The inconsistent result of the method due to inlace operations was fixed (#103);
  • The convergence issues of Newton-Schulz approach due to float precision were mended (#103).

Contributors: @denproc, @zakajd, @snk4tr.
Special thanks to @PavelOstyakov for valuable feedback.