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bimimicah edited this page May 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

If you are upgrading from mod_auth_external to mod_authnz_external then it may help to start by reading the page describing the Apache Authn/z Architecture.

After that:

  1. Make sure mod_auth_external is no longer being loaded. You cannot load both mod_auth_external and mod_authnz_external without problems. This means ensuring that there is no "LoadModule" or "AddModule" line for mod_auth_external. You could also remove the file from the Apache 'modules' directory.
  2. Install mod_authnz_external as described on the Installation page.
  3. The server-level configuration directives in the httpd.conf file can be left unchanged. The "AddExternalAuth", "AddExternalGroup", "SetExternalAuthMethod", and "SetExternalGroupMethod" commands still work work the same way as before. There was, however, a new, more compact alternate syntax was introduced in version 3.2.0 which can be used instead.
  4. In the per-directory configurations (either in .htaccess files or in a <Directory> block in httpd.conf) need to include a new directive to tell mod_auth_basic to use mod_authnz_external for authentication. For mod_auth_external, the per-directory configurations normally looked something this:
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName <authname>
    AuthExternal <keyword>
    require valid-user

    For mod_authnz_external, you need to add the "AuthBasicProvider" directive.

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName <authname>
    AuthBasicProvider external
    AuthExternal <keyword>
    require valid-user

    The directive "AuthType Basic" tells Apache that you want to use the mod_auth_basic module to do "basic authentiation". The directive "AuthBasicProvider external" tells mod_auth_basic to use mod_authnz_external to check the correctness of passwords.

    Note that the "AuthBasicProvider" directive is only needed if you are using mod_authnz_external for password checking. If you are using it only for group checking, then this is not needed.

  5. If you were using mod_auth_external in a non-authoritative mode, then your per-directory configuration probably included the directive:
    AuthExternalAuthoritative off

    This command will no longer work. Instead you should use one or both of the following commands:

    AuthBasicAuthoritative off
    GroupExternalAuthoritative off

    The "AuthBasicAuthoritative" directive effects password checking, which is done through mod_auth_basic.

    The "GroupExternalAuthoritative" effects only group checking. That is if you had both "GroupExternal" directive setting up an external program for group checking, and an "AuthGroupFile" directive setting up a group file, then it would control whether the first module to process a "Require group admin" directive was the only one to run, or whether each group checker was given a chance to decide if the user was in that group based on it's group database.

  6. If you were using multiple Require directives, the behavior may change under Apache 2.2. Suppose you wanted to allow access to user "pete" and members of the group "admins". You might have do:
    Require group admin
    Require user pete
    Under Apache 2.0, both of these directives would have been checked by mod_auth_external, and it would have correctly allowed access if either of the two conditions were satisfied. In Apache 2.2, however, only "Require group" and "Require file-group" directives are checked by mod_authnz_external. "Require user" and "Require valid-user" are checked by mod_authz_user, a standard module that comes with Apache. How the two directives interact depends on whether they are authoritative or not. mod_authz_user is Authoritative by default, so to get the old behavior, you will need to do
    GroupUserAuthoritative off
  7. Note that a new type of functionality is available under Apache 2.2 with mod_authnz_external. Thanks to mod_authz_owner, you can now do:
    Require file-owner
    Require file-group

    The first checks if the name of the authenticated user matches the name of the unix account that owns the file. The second checks if, according to whatever group database has been configured for the current directory, the currently authenticated user is in a group with the same name as the Unix group that owns the file.

    Normally these are rather strange directives, because normally unix accounts have no relationship to accounts in whatever database is being used for http authentication, but for people using 'pwauth' with mod_authnz_external, these really check if the user has been authenticated as the unix user who owns the file.