Historical monthly averages (1864-present) of temperature and precipitation at weather stations across Switzerland. All data is from MeteoSwiss and their license applies to its usage. I have only combined and transformed the data so it is more code-friendly.
- Data source
- Measurement details (PDF, German)
Station code | Station name |
BER | Bern / Zollikofen |
BAS | Basel / Binningen |
CHM | Chaumont |
CHD | Château-d'Oex |
GSB | Col du Grand St-Bernard |
DAV | Davos |
ENG | Engelberg |
GVE | Genève-Cointrin |
LUG | Lugano |
PAY | Payerne |
SIA | Segl-Maria |
SIO | Sion |
SAE | Säntis |
SMA | Zürich / Fluntern |
get_meteoswiss.py gets multiple .txt files from meteoswiss.ch and transforms data:
JSON file: meteoswiss.json
python module: meteoswiss.py.
plot_zurich_temps.py is an example code:
loads data from meteoswiss.py
selects only Zürich (SMA) as the weather station
selects only average June temperatures
makes a plot of historical June temperatures in Zürich
from meteoswiss import meteoswiss
yearlist = []
templist = []
for station in meteoswiss:
print station, ':', meteoswiss[station]['station_name']
if station == 'SMA': # only Zurich temps
temps = meteoswiss[station]['temp']
for key,value in temps.iteritems():
month = key.split('-')[-1]
if month == '06': # only June
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)')
plt.title('Average June Temperature in Zurich')