Implementation of Generic
, Lens
, and HKD
in Dotty
You should add the following to your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo
libraryDependencies += "com.phenan" %% "magic-mirror" % "0.9.4"
This library is developped on Dotty version 0.22.0-RC1.
is a type class that expresses interconversion between algebraic data type and simple data type expressed with product and union.
It is useful for various situation.
For example, we can easily implement serializer and deserializer with Generic
because we can construct and destruct different data types in the same fashion.
In Scala2, shapeless provides implementation of Generic
in shapeless is implemented by macros, and the deconstructed data type is expressed by HList
and Coproduct
This is also useful, however, HList
and Coproduct
are not common in Scala, so it is not convenient for normal users.
magic-mirror provides Generic
that is based on Mirror
is a reflection API in Dotty.
The deconstructed data type of Generic
in magic-mirror is expressed by Tuple
and Union
Both Tuple
and Union
is standard data type in Dotty, so programmers can easily to use it.
magic-mirror also support Generic
with Coproduct
instead of Union
because Coproduct
is more powerful than Union
In fact, we can convert any Coproduct
into Union
but cannot convert Union
into Coproduct
sealed trait Foo
case class Bar (a: Int, b: String) extends Foo
case class Baz (c: String) extends Foo
import com.phenan.generic.{given _, _}
import com.phenan.util._
val generic1 = summon[ProductGeneric[Bar, (Int, String)]]
val a: Bar = generic1.fromUnderlying((10, "bar")) // Bar(10, "bar")
val b: (Int, String) = generic1.toUnderlying(a) // (10, "bar")
val generic2 = summon[UnionGeneric[Foo, (Bar, Baz)]]
val c: Bar | Baz = generic2.toUnderlying(Baz("baz")) // Baz("baz") : Bar | Baz
val d: Foo = generic2.fromUnderlying(c) // Baz("baz") : Foo
val generic3 = summon[CoproductGeneric[Foo, (Bar, Baz)]]
val e: Bar |: Baz |: CNil = generic3.toUnderlying(Baz("baz"))
val f: Foo = generic3.fromUnderlying(e)
magic-mirror also support Lens
is a type class expressing getter and setter of a field of a data object.
This library provides Lens
for any field of case classes by utilizing Mirror
If you want to get Lens
for field x
of algebraic data type Foo
, you should simply call MirrorLens[Foo].x
You can also get Lens
of nested object with this dot-notation.
For example, MirrorLens[Foo].bar.baz
returns Lens[Foo, Baz]
for the following definition.
case class Foo (bar: Bar, x: Int)
case class Bar (baz: baz)
case class Baz (n: Int, s: String)
case class Foo (a: Int, b: String, c: Int)
import com.phenan.lens._
import com.phenan.lens.{given _}
import com.phenan.util.{given _}
val aLens = MirrorLens[Foo].a
println(aLens.get(Foo(1, "foo", 2))) // 1
println(aLens.set(Foo(1, "foo", 2))(5)) // Foo(5, "foo", 2)
// println(aLens.set(Foo(1, "foo", 2))("foo")) // compile error!
// val dLens = MirrorLens[Foo].d // compile error!
Higher-kinded data (HKD
) is a data type that is parameterized by something of kind * -> *.
For example, HKD[Foo, Option]
expresses a data type that wraps data type Foo
, and all fields are wrapped by Option
The fields of HKD[Foo, Option]
can be accessed by regular syntax of field access, such as
The fields of HKD[Foo, Option]
is mutable and we can also use assignment syntax.
We can easily translate HKD[Foo, Option]
into Option[Foo]
by simply call build
import com.phenan.hkd.{given _, _}
import com.phenan.lens.{given _}
import com.phenan.std.{given _}
import com.phenan.util.{given _}
case class Foo (a: Int, b: String)
val hkd = HKD[Foo, Option](Some(10), None)
// val hkd2 = HKD[Foo, Option](Some("hoge"), Some(10)) // compile error!
val x = hkd.a // Some(10)
val y = hkd.b // None
// val z = hkd.c // compile error!
hkd.a = Some(20)
hkd.b = Some("bar")
// hkd.b = Some(10) // compile error!
val fooOpt: Option[Foo] = // Some(Foo(20, "bar"))