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ph tree

Philip Helger edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

A special tree management project.

Maven usage

Add the following to your pom.xml to use this artifact:


Note: the Maven groupId changed in v10 from com.helger to com.helger.commons


  • com.helger.tree - contains interfaces and implementations for a basic tree and a basic tree item
  • - special file system tree
  • com.helger.tree.singleton - special tree class singletons for easy proxying of the tree interfaces.
  • com.helger.tree.sort - utility classes to sort trees by ID or by values.
  • com.helger.tree.util - contains a utility class to build a tree from hierarchical parent-child relations, search a tree and visit a tree.
  • com.helger.tree.withid - contains a generic tree, where each item has an ID (which must not be unique)
  • com.helger.tree.withid.folder - a specialized tree which separates into "files" and "folders"
  • com.helger.tree.withid.unique - a special tree where each item has an ID that must be unique so that each leaf can be identified easily.
  • com.helger.tree.xml - convert a tree into a generic XML.
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