pgvector support for Go
Supports pgx, pg, Bun, Ent, GORM, and sqlx
go get
And follow the instructions for your database library:
Or check out some examples:
- Embeddings with OpenAI
- Binary embeddings with Cohere
- Hybrid search with Ollama (Reciprocal Rank Fusion)
- Sparse search with Text Embeddings Inference
- Recommendations with Disco
- Horizontal scaling with Citus
- Bulk loading with
Import the packages
import (
pgxvec ""
Enable the extension
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector")
Register the types with the connection
err := pgxvec.RegisterTypes(ctx, conn)
or the pool
config.AfterConnect = func(ctx context.Context, conn *pgx.Conn) error {
return pgxvec.RegisterTypes(ctx, conn)
Create a table
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE TABLE items (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, embedding vector(3))")
Insert a vector
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "INSERT INTO items (embedding) VALUES ($1)", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}))
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, "SELECT id FROM items ORDER BY embedding <-> $1 LIMIT 5", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}))
Add an approximate index
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE INDEX ON items USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops)")
// or
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE INDEX ON items USING ivfflat (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (lists = 100)")
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Import the package
import ""
Enable the extension
_, err := db.Exec("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector")
Add a vector column
type Item struct {
Embedding pgvector.Vector `pg:"type:vector(3)"`
Insert a vector
item := Item{
Embedding: pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}),
_, err := db.Model(&item).Insert()
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
var items []Item
err := db.Model(&items).
OrderExpr("embedding <-> ?", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})).
Add an approximate index
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE INDEX ON items USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops)")
// or
_, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "CREATE INDEX ON items USING ivfflat (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (lists = 100)")
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Import the package
import ""
Enable the extension
_, err := db.Exec("CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector")
Add a vector column
type Item struct {
Embedding pgvector.Vector `bun:"type:vector(3)"`
Insert a vector
item := Item{
Embedding: pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}),
_, err := db.NewInsert().Model(&item).Exec(ctx)
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
var items []Item
err := db.NewSelect().
OrderExpr("embedding <-> ?", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})).
Add an approximate index
var _ bun.AfterCreateTableHook = (*Item)(nil)
func (*Item) AfterCreateTable(ctx context.Context, query *bun.CreateTableQuery) error {
_, err := query.DB().NewCreateIndex().
ColumnExpr("embedding vector_l2_ops").
return err
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Import the package
import ""
Enable the extension (requires the sql/execquery feature)
_, err := client.ExecContext(ctx, "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS vector")
Add a vector column
func (Item) Fields() []ent.Field {
return []ent.Field{
field.Other("embedding", pgvector.Vector{}).
dialect.Postgres: "vector(3)",
Insert a vector
_, err := client.Item.
SetEmbedding(pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})).
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
items, err := client.Item.
Order(func(s *sql.Selector) {
s.OrderExpr(sql.ExprP("embedding <-> $1", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})))
Add an approximate index
func (Item) Indexes() []ent.Index {
return []ent.Index{
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Import the package
import ""
Enable the extension
Add a vector column
type Item struct {
Embedding pgvector.Vector `gorm:"type:vector(3)"`
Insert a vector
item := Item{
Embedding: pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}),
result := db.Create(&item)
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
var items []Item
Expression: clause.Expr{SQL: "embedding <-> ?", Vars: []interface{}{pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 1, 1})}},
Add an approximate index
db.Exec("CREATE INDEX ON items USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops)")
// or
db.Exec("CREATE INDEX ON items USING ivfflat (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (lists = 100)")
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Import the package
import ""
Enable the extension
Add a vector column
type Item struct {
Embedding pgvector.Vector
Insert a vector
item := Item{
Embedding: pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3}),
_, err := db.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO items (embedding) VALUES (:embedding)`, item)
Get the nearest neighbors to a vector
var items []Item
db.Select(&items, "SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY embedding <-> $1 LIMIT 5", pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 1, 1}))
Add an approximate index
db.MustExec("CREATE INDEX ON items USING hnsw (embedding vector_l2_ops)")
// or
db.MustExec("CREATE INDEX ON items USING ivfflat (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (lists = 100)")
Use vector_ip_ops
for inner product and vector_cosine_ops
for cosine distance
See a full example
Create a vector from a slice
vec := pgvector.NewVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})
Get a slice
slice := vec.Slice()
Create a half vector from a slice
vec := pgvector.NewHalfVector([]float32{1, 2, 3})
Get a slice
slice := vec.Slice()
Create a sparse vector from a slice
vec := pgvector.NewSparseVector([]float32{1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0})
Or a map of non-zero elements
elements := map[int32]float32{0: 1, 2: 2, 4: 3}
vec := pgvector.NewSparseVectorFromMap(elements, 6)
Note: Indices start at 0
Get the number of dimensions
dim := vec.Dimensions()
Get the indices of non-zero elements
indices := vec.Indices()
Get the values of non-zero elements
values := vec.Values()
Get a slice
slice := vec.Slice()
View the changelog
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs
- Fix bugs and submit pull requests
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features
To get started with development:
git clone
cd pgvector-go
go mod tidy
createdb pgvector_go_test
go generate ./test/ent
go test -v
To run an example:
createdb pgvector_example
go run ./examples/loading