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Airbyte Support Bundle


A script that will gather all logging, configuration and anything that could be useful when investigating a customer issue.

The script will create a date and timestamped tarball containing all the items below and print the location and size for the user to easily transfer to Airbyte support. is the main bash script and entry point. To start, we’ll concentrate on Docker installations before adding functionality for Kubernetes.

Working doc for this lives at

Items to gather / To-do list

  • All container logs ✅
  • docker-compose.yaml ✅
  • .env ✅ (docker-compose.yaml currently populated with the values from .env, will need password redaction)
  • Sync logs (default is 3 days) ✅
  • Host info/specs ✅
  • System performance ✅
  • docker info ✅
  • docker inspect output ✅
  • Connector configuration and info ✅
  • Current connector versions ✅
  • Connector upgrade history ✅
  • Connections in use ✅
  • Database table info/sizes ✅
  • Database Schema ✅
  • Network config (host and docker) ✅
  • Metrics config ✅


Clone this repo inside your airbyte directory and run ./ to test the support bundle.


-d / --dir Specify a directory to create the archive in.

-h / --help Print the help manual page.

-l / --log-age Specify the number of days worth of sync logs to collect. (default = 3)

-r / --redact Redact passwords from the docker-compose.yaml file.

-t / --ticket Add a related ticket number to the archive name.

-v / --verbose Run in verbose mode, this prints each line of the script before execution.

What gets bundled and where?

Key directories and files:

  • airbyte-server This is basically a copy of the /tmp folder from the airbyte-server container. This contains all the sync logs. By default we collect 3 days worth but this can be specified using the --log-age option.

  • connector_info This contains source, destination and connection info gathered from the Airbyte API.

  • container_logs Logs from each of the Airbyte containers.

  • database_info Database schema, table info and migration data.

  • docker-compose.yaml The docker compose file filled with values from .env.

  • system_info.txt Host, CPU, Memory, Disk and network info all in a single file.

Your decompressed Airbyte Support Bundle will contain the following structure:

/tmp/airbyte-support-bundle-<Date and time stamp>
├── airbyte-server
│   └── tmp
│       ├── airbyte_local
│       ├── hsperfdata_root
│       ├── schemas11796079148753136938
│       └── workspace
├── connector_info
│   ├── connections.json
│   ├── connector_version_history.txt
│   ├── destinations.json
│   └── sources.json
├── container_logs
│   ├── airbyte-api-server.log
│   ├── airbyte-connector-builder-server.log
│   ├── airbyte-cron.log
│   ├── airbyte-db.log
│   ├── airbyte-proxy.log
│   ├── airbyte-server.log
│   ├── airbyte-temporal.log
│   ├── airbyte-webapp.log
│   ├── airbyte-worker.log
│   ├── dd-agent.log
│   └── metric-reporter.log
├── database_info
│   ├── airbyte_config_migrations_table.txt
│   ├── airbyte_jobs_migrations_table.txt
│   ├── schema.sql
│   ├── table_columns.txt
│   ├── table_row_counts.txt
│   ├── table_sizes.txt
│   └── tables.txt
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── docker_info
│   ├── docker-compose-images.txt
│   ├── docker-compose-ps.txt
│   ├── docker-compose-top.txt
│   ├── docker-compose-version.txt
│   ├── docker-images.txt
│   ├── docker-info.txt
│   ├── docker-ps.txt
│   ├── docker-system.txt
│   ├── docker-version.txt
│   └── docker_inspect
│       ├── airbyte-api-server-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-connector-builder-server-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-cron-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-db-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-proxy-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-server-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-temporal-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-webapp-inspect.txt
│       ├── airbyte-worker-inspect.txt
│       ├── dd-agent-inspect.txt
│       ├── docker_networks
│       │   ├── airbyte_airbyte_internal-network-inspect.txt
│       │   ├── airbyte_airbyte_public-network-inspect.txt
│       │   ├── airbyte_default-network-inspect.txt
│       │   ├── bridge-network-inspect.txt
│       │   ├── host-network-inspect.txt
│       │   └── none-network-inspect.txt
│       └── metric-reporter-inspect.txt
└── system_info.txt


For any additions, I would ask that the Shellcheck linter is adhered to:

The VScode plugin is particularly useful:


A support bundle for Airbyte!






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