A script that will gather all logging, configuration and anything that could be useful when investigating a customer issue.
The script will create a date and timestamped tarball containing all the items below and print the location and size for the user to easily transfer to Airbyte support.
generate_support_bundle.sh is the main bash script and entry point. To start, we’ll concentrate on Docker installations before adding functionality for Kubernetes.
Working doc for this lives at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xue_F3tKxAZnFYQhMkNlCN9uVqJhJSslfwUM6XzzMEA/edit?usp=sharing
- All container logs ✅
- docker-compose.yaml ✅
- .env ✅ (docker-compose.yaml currently populated with the values from .env, will need password redaction)
- Sync logs (default is 3 days) ✅
- Host info/specs ✅
- System performance ✅
- docker info ✅
- docker inspect output ✅
- Connector configuration and info ✅
- Current connector versions ✅
- Connector upgrade history ✅
- Connections in use ✅
- Database table info/sizes ✅
- Database Schema ✅
- Network config (host and docker) ✅
- Metrics config ✅
Clone this repo inside your airbyte directory and run ./generate_support_bundle.sh
to test the support bundle.
/ --dir
Specify a directory to create the archive in.
/ --help
Print the help manual page.
/ --log-age
Specify the number of days worth of sync logs to collect. (default = 3)
/ --redact
Redact passwords from the docker-compose.yaml file.
/ --ticket
Add a related ticket number to the archive name.
/ --verbose
Run in verbose mode, this prints each line of the script before execution.
Key directories and files:
This is basically a copy of the/tmp
folder from the airbyte-server container. This contains all the sync logs. By default we collect 3 days worth but this can be specified using the--log-age
option. -
This contains source, destination and connection info gathered from the Airbyte API. -
Logs from each of the Airbyte containers. -
Database schema, table info and migration data. -
The docker compose file filled with values from.env
. -
Host, CPU, Memory, Disk and network info all in a single file.
Your decompressed Airbyte Support Bundle will contain the following structure:
/tmp/airbyte-support-bundle-<Date and time stamp>
├── airbyte-server
│ └── tmp
│ ├── airbyte_local
│ ├── hsperfdata_root
│ ├── schemas11796079148753136938
│ └── workspace
├── connector_info
│ ├── connections.json
│ ├── connector_version_history.txt
│ ├── destinations.json
│ └── sources.json
├── container_logs
│ ├── airbyte-api-server.log
│ ├── airbyte-connector-builder-server.log
│ ├── airbyte-cron.log
│ ├── airbyte-db.log
│ ├── airbyte-proxy.log
│ ├── airbyte-server.log
│ ├── airbyte-temporal.log
│ ├── airbyte-webapp.log
│ ├── airbyte-worker.log
│ ├── dd-agent.log
│ └── metric-reporter.log
├── database_info
│ ├── airbyte_config_migrations_table.txt
│ ├── airbyte_jobs_migrations_table.txt
│ ├── schema.sql
│ ├── table_columns.txt
│ ├── table_row_counts.txt
│ ├── table_sizes.txt
│ └── tables.txt
├── docker-compose.yaml
├── docker_info
│ ├── docker-compose-images.txt
│ ├── docker-compose-ps.txt
│ ├── docker-compose-top.txt
│ ├── docker-compose-version.txt
│ ├── docker-images.txt
│ ├── docker-info.txt
│ ├── docker-ps.txt
│ ├── docker-system.txt
│ ├── docker-version.txt
│ └── docker_inspect
│ ├── airbyte-api-server-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-connector-builder-server-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-cron-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-db-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-proxy-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-server-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-temporal-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-webapp-inspect.txt
│ ├── airbyte-worker-inspect.txt
│ ├── dd-agent-inspect.txt
│ ├── docker_networks
│ │ ├── airbyte_airbyte_internal-network-inspect.txt
│ │ ├── airbyte_airbyte_public-network-inspect.txt
│ │ ├── airbyte_default-network-inspect.txt
│ │ ├── bridge-network-inspect.txt
│ │ ├── host-network-inspect.txt
│ │ └── none-network-inspect.txt
│ └── metric-reporter-inspect.txt
└── system_info.txt
For any additions, I would ask that the Shellcheck linter is adhered to: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
The VScode plugin is particularly useful: https://github.com/vscode-shellcheck/vscode-shellcheck