This chart is modified from stable/hadoop and mgit-at/helm-hadoop-3 and has been updated to:
- run use multi-architecture Docker image and
- use the currently latest version of Hadoop.
This chart is primarily intended to be used for YARN and MapReduce job execution where HDFS is just used as a means to transport small artifacts within the framework and not for a distributed filesystem. Data should be read from cloud based datastores such as Google Cloud Storage, S3 or Swift.
To install the chart with the release name hadoop
helm helm repo add pfisterer-hadoop
helm install --name hadoop pfisterer-hadoop/hadoop
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Hadoop chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
Hadoop image | farberg/apache-hadoop |
image.tag |
Hadoop image tag | 3.3.2 |
imagee.pullPolicy |
Pull policy for the images | IfNotPresent |
hadoopVersion |
Version of hadoop libraries being used | 3.3.2 |
antiAffinity |
Pod antiaffinity, hard or soft |
hard |
hdfs.nameNode.pdbMinAvailable |
PDB for HDFS NameNode | 1 |
hdfs.nameNode.resources |
resources for the HDFS NameNode | requests:memory=256Mi,cpu=10m,limits:memory=2048Mi,cpu=1000m |
hdfs.dataNode.replicas |
Number of HDFS DataNode replicas | 1 |
hdfs.dataNode.pdbMinAvailable |
PDB for HDFS DataNode | 1 |
hdfs.dataNode.resources |
resources for the HDFS DataNode | requests:memory=256Mi,cpu=10m,limits:memory=2048Mi,cpu=1000m |
hdfs.webhdfs.enabled |
Enable WebHDFS REST API | true |
yarn.resourceManager.pdbMinAvailable |
PDB for the YARN ResourceManager | 1 |
yarn.resourceManager.resources |
resources for the YARN ResourceManager | requests:memory=256Mi,cpu=10m,limits:memory=2048Mi,cpu=1000m |
yarn.nodeManager.pdbMinAvailable |
PDB for the YARN NodeManager | 1 |
yarn.nodeManager.replicas |
Number of YARN NodeManager replicas | 1 |
yarn.nodeManager.parallelCreate |
Create all nodeManager statefulset pods in parallel (K8S 1.7+) | false |
yarn.nodeManager.resources |
Resource limits and requests for YARN NodeManager pods | requests:memory=2048Mi,cpu=1000m,limits:memory=2048Mi,cpu=1000m |
persistence.nameNode.enabled |
Enable/disable persistent volume | false |
persistence.nameNode.storageClass |
Name of the StorageClass to use per your volume provider | - |
persistence.nameNode.accessMode |
Access mode for the volume | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.nameNode.size |
Size of the volume | 50Gi |
persistence.dataNode.enabled |
Enable/disable persistent volume | false |
persistence.dataNode.storageClass |
Name of the StorageClass to use per your volume provider | - |
persistence.dataNode.accessMode |
Access mode for the volume | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.dataNode.size |
Size of the volume | 200Gi |
This image is modified from comcast/kube-yarn and mgit-at/helm-hadoop-3. Currently, native libraries are not been included.
# Set version
# Build
docker buildx build --push --platform "linux/arm64,linux/amd64" -t farberg/apache-hadoop:latest -t farberg/apache-hadoop:$HADOOP_VERSION .
If you are running locally with minikube and want to try your images without pushing them to a registry, build the images on the minikube VM first:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# use the build command from above
Help is always appreciated. Please create pull requests.
- Include native libraries
- List of ports needs to be updated (cf.
helm lint
helm package .
mv hadoop*.tgz docs/
helm repo index docs/ --url
git add docs/
git commit -a -m "Updated helm repository"
git push origin master
Version 1.2.0
- Initial release of this chart
- Use multi-architecture base image
- Apache Hadoop 3.3.2