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Mixpanel SDK intended for server-side Swift apps using Vapor


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MixpanelVapor is a library for tracking events to Mixpanel from your Vapor server-side Swift applications.


Provide your mixpanel token (the same one you'd use for client-side mixpanel tracking)

import MixpanelVapor

public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
    app.mixpanel.configuration = .init(token: "YOUR_MIXPANEL_TOKEN")
    // ...


Log an event

application.mixpanel.track(distinctId: "<user id>", name: "my_event", params: ["$user_id": .string(, "a": 123])
request.mixpanel.track(distinctId: "<user id>", name: "my_event", params: ["$user_id": .string(, "a": 123])

// enhances the metadata (user agent, country, ...) by parsing the headers and ip from the request
request.mixpanel.track(distinctId: "<user id>", name: "my_event", request: request, params: ["$user_id": .string(, "a": 123])

New in 2.0

  • The track method is not async anymore and events are periodically uploaded in batches.
  • You can call await mixpanel.flush() to trigger an immediate upload.
  • Since Vapor 4 does not support Async Service Lifecycle (Vapor 5 will), you'll need to call await mixpanel.shutdown() as a part of the shutdown process to make sure all pending events are uploaded before the process shuts down.
// entrypoint.swift
// .. setup and tun code ...
await app.mixpanel.shutdown() // uploads pending events before shutdown
try await app.asyncShutdown()

Identify a user

await application.mixpanel.peopleSet(distinctId: "<user id>", request: request, setParams: ["$email": .string("[email protected]"), "num_cats": .int(5)])

Delete a user

await application.mixpanel.peopleDelete(distinctId: "<user id>")

A list of mixpanel properties to assign a name, email, and other properties to a mixpanel identity can be found here.

I've only implemented very basic feature set that fits my needs at this point. Will extend this package as I have the need for it, but contributions are very welcome.

Plans for V3

  • Implement Async Service Lifecycle and deprecate shutdown() method
  • Swift 6 (possibly 6.1 or even 6.2) only
  • Requires Vapor 5
  • Move from XCTest to Swift testing


Mixpanel SDK intended for server-side Swift apps using Vapor








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