In order to visualize the data, metrics, and analysis generated by the clients, we want to use Grafana. The easiest way to get it set up is to install it in a docker environment. Follow the server setup guide to get started.
To be able to visualize the data in grafana we need to import the http endpoints exposed by the clients. See the guides to get started.
Follow the Setup Guide to get up and running.
Import Video feed from HLS Sink (server): Video feed Guide.
Import Data analysis metrics from Influxdb: Influxdb Guide.
To find the SERVER_IP run hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'
To start the services needed run docker-compose up -d
The influxdb server used to store continuous data streams, can be found at SERVER_IP:8086
The Grafana server used to display the data, can be found at SERVER_IP:3000
The Cvat server used to gather annotations used in AI models, can be found at SERVER_IP:8080