This is a Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) library written in C.
Formerly 'camlib', renamed to prevent confusion between gPhoto's camlib API
(This library doesn't have a stable release yet, use at your own risk)
- Complete working implemention of PTP as per ISO 15740
- Implement PTP/IP
- Tested and working on Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android, and iOS
- Work natively on Windows witout libusb (libwpd)
- Fcuntions to convert most data structures to JSON
- Implement most EOS/Canon features
- Optional lua bindings
- Thread safety
- CI/Regression testing (vcam)
- Fujifilm support: Available here as libfudge
- Thread-safe
- No macros
- Uses a single in/out buffer (no memory allocations between operations)
Get device info:
#include <libpict.h>
int main() {
struct PtpRuntime *r = ptp_new(PTP_USB);
if (ptp_device_init(r)) {
printf("Device connection error\n");
return 0;
struct PtpDeviceInfo di;
char buffer[2048];
ptp_get_device_info(r, &di);
ptp_device_info_json(&di, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
printf("%s\n", buffer);
return 0;
Calling a custom opcode:
// Send a command, and recieve packet(s)
struct PtpCommand cmd;
cmd.code = 0x1234;
cmd.param_length = 3;
cmd.params[0] = 420;
cmd.params[1] = 420;
cmd.params[2] = 420;
return ptp_send(r, &cmd);
// Send a command with data payload
struct PtpCommand cmd;
cmd.code = 0x1234;
cmd.param_length = 1;
cmd.params[0] = 1234;
uint32_t dat[2] = {123, 123};
return ptp_send_data(r, &cmd, dat, sizeof(dat));
Explore the filesystem:
struct PtpArray *arr;
int rc = ptp_get_storage_ids(r, &arr);
int id = arr->data[0];
rc = ptp_get_object_handles(r, id, PTP_OF_JPEG, 0, &arr);
for (int i = 0; i < arr->length; i++) {
struct PtpObjectInfo oi;
ptp_get_object_info(r, arr->data[i], &oi);
printf("Filename: %s\n", oi.filename);
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
lua-cjson: (MIT License)