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0.7.1 version

Closed Jun 8, 2024 100% complete


  • Fix automatic PYPI package.
  • Add a new flag --obosolete to the CLI. The flag will be used to launch detectors that we currently consider irrelevant.
  • Remove irrelevant detectors from "basic" Slitherin launch.


  • pess-event-setter detector
    • Enhance by ignoring libraries when searching.
  • pess-magic-number detector
    • Enhance with a whitelist of


  • Fix automatic PYPI package.
  • Add a new flag --obosolete to the CLI. The flag will be used to launch detectors that we currently consider irrelevant.
  • Remove irrelevant detectors from "basic" Slitherin launch.


  • pess-event-setter detector
    • Enhance by ignoring libraries when searching.
  • pess-magic-number detector
    • Enhance with a whitelist of SafeCast and Math libraries.
  • pess-dubious-typecast detector
    • Enhance with a whitelist of SafeCast and SignedMath libraries.
  • pess-strange-setter detector
    • Enhance with filtering libraries and do not detect parameters used in internal calls.

This milestone is closed.

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