Tags: perlpunk/App-Spec-p5
v0.006 2019-05-05 13:21:09+02:00 - Autogenerate META.json using dzil plugin (PR#16 @manwar) - Fix pod error (PR##21 @manwar) - Add support for float argument type (PR#18 @s-nez) - Fix bug (undefined reference) in zsh completion - Fix bug (wrong type of default) in App::Spec::Run::Response - Format plugin: encode output - Allow dynamic completion also for options
v0.005 2019-04-22 12:40:14+02:00 - Support completion for apps without subcommands - Support plugins (turn help and meta commands into plugins) - And lots of refactoring for that - Pass a data structure to $run->out and it will be formatted with Data::Dumper - Add a format plugin that formats data output as YAML, JSON, Text::Table, Data::Dump - Output via $run->out is not buffered anymore