Use a cronjob for this, and run it as often as you would like.
git clone
cd pfsense-pihole-backup/
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can then run the
as often as you would like, and setup the Pihole / pfSense output locations using the flags shown below.
If your password contains any special characters, be sure to prepend the special character with a backslash: \
when calling the script from the command line
Example useage:
python ~/.ssh/sshkey.pem --pihole --user perf3ct --pihole-password Password123
usage: [-h] (--pfsense PFSENSE | --pihole PIHOLE | --truenas TRUENAS) [--user USER] [--pfsense-output PFSENSE_OUTPUT | --pihole-output PIHOLE_OUTPUT | --truenas-output TRUENAS_OUTPUT] [--pihole-password PIHOLE_PASSWORD] [--no-secrets] [--debug] private_key
Back up Pfsense/Pihole config remotely.
positional arguments:
private_key Required. Please provide the path to your private key to be used to SSH into PfSense/Pihole.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pfsense PFSENSE Provide the IP address / hostname of the PfSense system that you wish to fetch the config of.
--pihole PIHOLE Provide the IP address / hostname of the Pihole instance that you wish to fetch the config of.
--truenas TRUENAS Provide the IP address / hostname of the TrueNas system that you wish to fetch the config for.
--user USER Required. Provide the username to connect as.
--pfsense-output PFSENSE_OUTPUT
Optional. Provide the output name of the pfsense config file.
--pihole-output PIHOLE_OUTPUT
Optional. Provide the output name of the PiHole config file.
--truenas-output TRUENAS_OUTPUT
Optional. Provide the output name of the Truenas config file.
--pihole-password PIHOLE_PASSWORD
Required. Provide the password for your PiHole user sudo password so that the config package can be generated.
--no-secrets Use to not store secrets (from Truenas)
--debug Optional. Use this argument if you are debugging any errors.