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Unit 8: Statistical Methods for Data Science

Unit 8 explores three different types of inferential statistics methods and examines their similarities and differences.

  • Frequentist Inference: regards probability as the expected frequency of a particular outcome when an experiment is run multiple times.
  • Bootstrap Inference: simulates reruns of an experiment to observe outcomes.
  • Bayesian Inference: treats probability as a reflection of your belief in a specific outcome.

Learning Objectives

  1. Develop an understanding of frequentist, Bootstrap, and Bayesian inference.
  2. Peform Hypothesis testing to identify statistical significance.
  3. Gain the ability to determine when a particular kind of statistical inference should be used over another.
  4. Understanding how hypothesis testing is applied in real-world applicatins such as A/B testing.


Frequentist Inference:

Bootsrap Inference:

Bayesian Inference: