Diplomatist is an auto audio transcribe(audio2text) and translate(lang2lang) tool.
- 0 - CMU Sphinx
- 1 - Google Cloud
- 2 - Bing API
- 3 - Houndify API
- 4 - Baidu DeepSpeech (macOS/Linux Only)
- 5 - Azure Speech Service (WIP)
- Audio Transcription
- Text Translation
- Loopback Capture and Microphone Record
- Output as SRT
Actually, Diplomatist only support to transcribe from .wav
file and .aif
file. For other formats, it will try to convert from other format to WAVE which was supported by pydub, and the FFmpeg is required in your environment.
You can get FFmpeg from here: https://www.ffmpeg.org
- python 2.x/3.x
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements[.osx|.linux].txt
(for macOS/Linux)
Most of required configurations will be loaded from config.json
, there are some default values already, if you want to change these configs please update config.json
- API: name, cred, model, alphabet, etc.
- LOOPBACK_CAPTURE: location of LoopbackCapture
- SRT: save output string to srt file
- RECORD: location to save temp record files
- PROXY: http/https proxy servers
In Windows, compile LoopbackCapture under /LoopbackCapture
and set the path of LoopbackCapture.exe
as Loopback_Capture_Path
in diplomatist.py
folder included 3 solutions of win32, one console application written by C++, one console application written by C# (recommended) and another one is a .dll library written by C#.
In macOS, the mac/LoopbackCapture.py
support to capture sounds from output device but not support to capture Loopback from device directly. The workaround is to route what is playing on the computer digitally back to the input without using a cable. Suggest to use Soundflower.
In Linux, the linux/LoopbackCapture.py
support to capture sounds from system but it require a tool avconv
which is a part from "libav-tools" package to support to record audio use command line with specific format specific duration and from specific device.
Detail: LoopbackCapture README.md
Most of APIs required a credential to use the API. You can register a account in the website and get the credential file or key. Most of them have some free quota each month.
- Google Cloud API: https://cloud.google.com/speech/
- Bing API: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-ca/pricing/details/cognitive-services/speech-api/
- Houndify API: https://www.houndify.com
> python diplomatist.py -s 15000 -a 1 -l en-US -t zh -o sub.srt
Usage: diplomatist.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m, --mic record sounds from microphone
audio file which to be transcribed and translated
time slice of each wave file
-a API, --api=API 0 - CMU Sphinx, 1 - Google Cloud, 2 - Bing API, 3 -
Houndify API, 4 - Baidu DeepSpeech
language which to be transcribed
translate to another language
--qt runs UI with QT
--tk runs UI with Tk
Currently, Diplomatist has a very simple UI based on Tkinter or PyQt4. You can use it through ui.py
with arguments --tk
or --qt
, other arguments are same as diplomatist.py
> python ui.py -s 15000 -a 1 -l en-US -t zh -o sub.srt --tk
# or
> python ui.py -s 15000 -a 1 -l en-US -t zh -o sub.srt --qt
Before you use ui.py
with --tk
, please install python-tk package:
In Linux:
> sudo apt-get install python-tk
Before you use ui.py
with --qt
, please make sure you have installed PyQt4/PyQt5 in your environment:
In Windows:
- Get PyQt4/5-***.whl from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyqt4
> pip install PyQt4/5-***.whl
In macOS:
> brew install PyQt
In Linux:
> sudo apt-get install python-qt4