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Telegram banned my number and the support group got deleted because i was the only admin in it. I'll wait a few days to see if they will recover my account.

Dolby Encoding Engine Wrapper

English readmeMagyar leírás

DDP encoding has never been so easy!



  • handles Dolby's XML input fuckery in the background, giving you a proper CLI interface
  • converts inputs to RF64 which DEE can use
    • bit depth, number of channels and other infos are parsed from the source
  • an XML file will be generated for each input based on the settings
  • the script utilizes thread pooling for batch encoding (see config)
  • supports WSL path conversion for the Windows version of DEE (see config)
  • in case of an invalid bitrate it will pick the closest allowed one
  • automatic sample rate conversion using ffmpeg's soxr resampler in case of an unsupported sample rate
    • for DD/DDP/AC4 unsupported rates will be converted to 48 kHz
    • for TrueHD unsupported rates will be converted to 48 kHz if source sample rate is lower than 72 kHz, otherwise will be converted to 96 kHz
  • automatic channel swapping for 7.1 sources (DEE swaps Ls Rs with Lrs Rrs for some reason)
  • automatic dialnorm setting
  • automatically compensates for DEE's 256 sample delay (DD and DDP encoding)
  • checks if intermediate file is already created so you can encode different formats/bitrates using a single intermediate file, for example:
    deew -f dd -b 448 -i input -k
    deew -f dd -b 640 -i input -k
    deew -f ddp -i input
  • works even with video inputs (first audio will be selected)
  • fancy terminal output using rich
  • versatile delay option that supports ms, s and also frame@fps formats
  • parsing delay from filenames


  • Python (you don't need it if you use a standalone build of deew)
  • ffmpeg
  • ffprobe
  • Dolby Encoding Engine

Dolby Encoding Engine installation

  • install DEE (if you use macOS, install DME)
    • for TrueHD encoding support you need the Windows version
    • if you use WSL1 use the Windows version for better performance
    • if you use the Windows version of DEE under Linux (and not from WSL) / macOS install wine-binfmt
  • place your license.lic file next to the DEE binary (dee.exe under Windows, dee under Linux/macOS)
  • if DEE throws Failed to load library "...dll". errors when you run deew install VisualCppRedist AIO

deew installation

with standalone build (Windows 7-11/Linux):

with Python environment (Windows/Linux/macOS):

  • install Python and pip if you don't have it already
  • run: pip install deew
  • run with: deew
  • on the first run it will create a config file
  • updating: pip install deew --upgrade

Setup system PATH variable

If you don't want to use full paths for the binaries in your config or when you use them from CLI, I suggest to setup system PATH variables


  • open cmd.exe as administrator
  • run a setx /m PATH "%PATH%;[location]" command for each path that contains binaries
    (replace [location] with the path)
  • for example:
setx /m PATH "%PATH%;C:\bin\dee"
setx /m PATH "%PATH%;C:\bin\ffmpeg"


  • add a PATH="[location]:$PATH" line in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file for each path that contains a binary
    (replace [location] with the path)
  • for example:


❯ deew -h
deew 3.2.1

USAGE: deew [-h] [-v] [-i [INPUT ...]] [-ti INDEX] [-o DIRECTORY] [-f FORMAT]
            [-b BITRATE] [-dm CHANNELS] [-d DELAY] [-r DRC] [-dn DIALNORM]
            [-in INSTANCES] [-k] [-mo] [-fs] [-fb] [-lb] [-la] [-np] [-pl]
            [-cl] [-c] [-gc]

  -h, --help                  show this help message.
  -v, --version               show version.
  -i, --input [INPUT ...]     audio file(s) or folder(s)
  -ti, --track-index INDEX    default: 0
                              select audio track index of input(s)
  -o, --output DIRECTORY      default: current directory
                              specifies output directory
  -f, --format FORMAT         options: dd / ddp / ac4 / thd
                              default: ddp
  -b, --bitrate BITRATE       options: run -lb/--list-bitrates
                              default: run -c/--config
  -dm, --downmix CHANNELS     options: 1 / 2 / 6
                              specifies downmix, only works for DD/DDP
                              DD will be automatically downmixed to 5.1 in case of a 7.1 source
  -d, --delay DELAY           examples: -5.1ms, +1,52s, -24@pal, +10@24000/1001
                              default: 0ms or parsed from filename
                              specifies delay as ms, s or frame@FPS
                              FPS can be a number, division or ntsc / pal
                              you have to specify negative values as -d=-0ms
  -r, --drc DRC               options: film_light / film_standard / music_light / music_standard / speech
                              default: music_light (this is the closest to the missing none preset)
                              specifies drc profile
  -dn, --dialnorm DIALNORM    options: between -31 and 0 (in case of 0 DEE's measurement will be used)
                              default: 0
                              applied dialnorm value between
  -in, --instances INSTANCES  examples: 1, 4, 50%
                              default: 50%
                              specifies how many encodes can run at the same time
                              50% means 4 on a cpu with 8 threads
                              one DEE can use 2 threads so 50% can utilize all threads
                              (this option overrides the config's number)
  -k, --keeptemp              keep temp files
  -mo, --measure-only         kills DEE when the dialnorm gets written to the progress bar
                              this option overrides format with ddp
  -fs, --force-standard       force standard profile for 7.1 DDP encoding (384-1024 kbps)
  -fb, --force-bluray         force bluray profile for 7.1 DDP encoding (768-1664 kbps)
  -lb, --list-bitrates        list bitrates that DEE can do for DD and DDP encoding
  -la, --long-argument        print ffmpeg and DEE arguments for each input
  -np, --no-prompt            disables prompt
  -pl, --print-logos          show all logo variants you can set in the config
  -cl, --changelog            show changelog
  -c, --config                show config and config location(s)
  -gc, --generate-config      generate a new config


deew -i *thd
encode DDP

deew -b 768 -i *flac
encode DDP@768

deew -dm 2 -f dd -b 192 -i *.ec3
encode DD@192 with stereo downmixing

deew -f dd -b 448 -in 4 -i S01
encode DD@448 using 4 instances (input is a folder)

deew -f thd -i *w64
encode TrueHD

deew -f dd -i *dts -k
deew -f ddp -i *dts
encode multiple formats/bitrates while creating the temp file only once

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