Now that you’ve got the main foundations down to build out a frontend application, it’s time to prove to yourself that you own those skills! You’re going to be building a Tic Tac Toe game from scratch!
The project spec and rubric can be found here
Solidify and demonstrate your understanding of:
- DRY JavaScript
- localStorage to persist data
- event delegation to handle similar event listeners
- Understand the difference between the data model and how the data is displayed on the DOM
- Iterate through/filter DOM elements using for loops
- Use your problem solving process to break down large problems, solve things step by step, and trust yourself to not rely on an outside “answer” to a logical challenge
This project is an important step in demonstrating you are ready to start Module 2. To ensure we can accurately assess that, it’s important you meet the expectations:
- You are the only one who should type code - no copy-pasting code!
- For any code that you didn’t write entirely by yourself (mentor or rock supported), you should be able delete it and re-write it yourself
- No youtube videos or tutorials of programming Tic Tac Toe. If you have an opportunity and are tempted, do the right thing for YOUR learning and don’t do it!
- Any peer-to-peer collaboration should be discussions about IDEAS, not coding together or sharing code.
- We want to see YOUR work.
- Using this interactive, 2-player web application, a user can play endless rounds of Tic Tac Toe! By clicking individual boxes within a responsive grid, a player can to place their assigned "token" - either "space monster" or "robot" - in that space. Once occupied by a token, that space becomes inaccessible in future turns. As a fun way to emphasize which spaces are available, the cursor icon and background color change when the user hovers over unoccupied boxes!
- Every time a space is successfully clicked, the turn alternates to the next player, making their token immediately available for play.
- These changes are immediately reflected on the user's screen, and subsequently stored in a Data Model for reference throughout the active game.
- Immediately after the user clicks an available box, the program will check to see if a "win" or "draw" scenario has been achieved, and if so, the game will automatically restart.
- While a new game will start anytime the user finishes a game or refreshes the page, a log of player wins will persist regardless!
- The application has fully implemented HTML that is accessible for individuals with visual disabilities, and passes the WAVE audit tool.
- JavaScript
- Turing Style Guides
- Single-Responsibility Principle
- Interested in contributing to Tic Tac Toe?
- Fork this project and clone to your machine.
- Create a pull request, and our project manager will get back to you with a code review!