This is a Minesweeper project written in Java that includes a graphical user interface (GUI) using Swing for playing the game and an automatic solver that can solve Minesweeper boards. The project allows you to enjoy interactive Minesweeper gameplay and explore solving algorithms.
Disclaimer! If you are using a touchpad/trackpad, it is recommended that you lift your finger completely before clicking again when playing the game for a smoother experience.
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Minesweeper game with a Swing-based GUI.
- Customizable game board size, mine count, and difficulty levels.
- Interactive gameplay: left-click to reveal cells, right-click to flag mines.
- Win and lose detection.
- Automatic Minesweeper solver based on solving algorithms.
- Detailed documentation and code comments.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later.
- Git (optional).
Clone the repository:
git clone
Compile using javac:
Run the program:
java Minesweeper