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Vue API manager is a centralized API manager for Vue applications. It's usable through all components of your application , Design goal is to have an easy to use and config api manager for your vue application


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Vue API Manager

Vue api manager is a centralized api manager for vue applications. It's usable through all components of your application , Design goal is to have an easy to use and config api manager for your vue application

Install with vue-cli

In order to install this package with vue-cli in your vue project type:

vue add vue-api-manager

with vue-cli the config file will be generated automatically, and you can see each option description in the "Options description" section.

For Vue 2 you need to import the module:

import apiManager from "./api-manager";

then add the module to your vue instance Vue.prototype.$api = apiManager;

For Vue 3:

Just import the module in your component and use it

Manual Installation

To install this module just run:

npm install --save @payamnaghdy/vue-api-manager


Create folder named api manage at the root of your project and inside the folder create index.js file.

Next we need to import Vue and VueAPIManager:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAPIManager from '@payamnaghdy/vue-api-manager'

Then create configuration object:

export const APIRoutes = {
    host: '<host>',
    authorizationHeaderPrefix: '<prefix>', // The module automatically puts a space after the prefix
    rootURL: '<rootURL>',
    headers: {}, // Here you can set global headers
    apis: {
        apiOne: {
            method: 'GET',
            path: '<api one path>',
            params: {},
            headers: {} // Here you can set headers for this request
            method: "GET",
            path:'<api two path>',
            params: {},
            requiresAuth: true // If you set this parameter module automatically includes auth header

Options description

Now I'm going to explain the options:

Authorization header prefix:

<!--This is the prefix for your authorization header: <prefix> <auth token>-->
<!--for example: Bearer <the auth token>-->
authorizationHeaderPrefix: '<prefix>'

host and rootURL:

<!--This two options are the host url and root url of your api-->
host: '<host>', 
rootURL: '',

Global headers:

<!--This header options is global headers and will set headers for-->
<!--all requests-->
export const APIRoutes = {
    rootURL: '',
    headers: {}, // Here you can set global headers
    apis: {

API path:

<!--This is the path of the api so the module finally cals: -->
<!--for example:-->
<!--host is>
<!--rootURL is /api/v2-->
<!--path is /resource-->
<!--then the module calls>
apis: {
        apiOne: {
            path: '<api one path>',

API headers and parameters

<!--These two options are headers and params associated with this-->
<!--request and the headers will be added to the global headers-->
<!--You can also set headers when you call the api-->
    apis: {
        apiOne: {
            params: {},
            headers: {} // Here you can set headers for this request

API with authorization


<!--If your api needs authorization just set this property to true-->
<!--You should not set the authorization header in the headers property -->
<!--because you need to change it in runtime-->
<!--If you set this you need to set the authorizationHeaderPrefix -->
<!--and give a getter function for the token to the module-->
apis: {
            requiresAuth: true // If you set this parameter module automatically includes auth header

Create VueAPIManager instance and set the authorization token getter:

<!--You need to create a function that returns the token for authorization-->
<!--And in this case my token is in the Vuex store-->
<!--then set it by setAuthorizationHeader and the module is going to-->
<!--set the authorization header when it sees the requiresAuth option-->

import store from '../store/index'
function getAuthorizationToken() {
    // You should write a getter for the token or change the return value
    return store.getters.getAuthToken;
Vue.prototype.$apiManager = new VueAPIManager(APIRoutes)


export default APIRoutes

Parse response and error:


Imagine your api returns something like this:

body: {...}

And the part you care about is in data(or any other preprocessing) you can write a function to get data and pass it to the module.

const parseResponse = response => {


Then you can access the parsed data in return value like this:

let response = await this.$apiManager.someApiName();


You can also set an error parser in cases that error has body (in other cases automatically exception message will be set)

const parseError = response => {
  return response.errorBody.message;

then you can access error data in attribute parsedError in response


Finally, in your component you can call the api (remember one of my apis had apiOne as the key so im going to call a function with this name )

let response = await this.$apiManager.apiOne();

Extend headers and parameters:

You can also extend headers and params of the request.

let response = await this.$apiManager.apiOne({
        params: {
        'My-New-Header': 'header value'

Return Value

This module uses axios underneath, and the return value is the same as axios


Vue API manager is a centralized API manager for Vue applications. It's usable through all components of your application , Design goal is to have an easy to use and config api manager for your vue application







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