This software supplements the paper "Hindsight policy gradients".
The implementation focuses on clarity and flexibility rather than computational efficiency.
Training an agent in a bit flipping environment (k = 8) using a weighted per-decision hindsight policy gradient estimator (HPG):
python3 hpg/scripts/ hpg/examples/flipbit8/flipbit8_bs2_hpg
Training an agent in a bit flipping environment (k = 8) using a goal-conditional policy gradient estimator (GCPG):
python3 hpg/scripts/ hpg/examples/flipbit8/flipbit8_bs2_gcpg
Combining the corresponding results into a single plot (see folder "results/flipbit8_bs2"):
mkdir -p results/flipbit8_bs2
cp -r hpg/examples/flipbit8/flipbit8_bs2_hpg hpg/examples/flipbit8/flipbit8_bs2_gcpg results/flipbit8_bs2
python3 hpg/scripts/ results/flipbit8_bs2
- matplotlib (2.1.1)
- numpy (1.17.2)
- pandas (0.23.4)
- scipy (1.3.0)
- seaborn (0.9.0)
- tensorflow (1.12.0)
- gym (0.13.1)
- atari-py (?,
- mujoco-py (,
- ray (0.7.2)