park's native hook library for android/linux
- fake dlopen() / dlsym(): bypass the Android native dlopen namespace restrictions, e.g.
- inline hook by instruction address (method entry address)
- inline hook by libName & methodName
- other minor features
- hook ART virtual machine Java methods (partly work, but still many unresolved issues).
struct PHookHandle {
//this is the origin method that u hook.
void *backup;
//get a method by name
void *methodForName(const char *libName, const char *methodName);
//hook a method by pointer
struct PHookHandle *hookMethodPtr(void *methodPtr, void *hookDelegate);
//hook a method by name
struct PHookHandle *hookMethod(const char *libName, const char *methodName, void *hookDelegate);
//unhook a method
bool unhookMethod(struct PHookHandle *);
//hook a method named "StrictMath_cos()" in ""
//this method is the native impl of Java's "java.lang.StrictMath.cos()"
//hold the hook handle, will be used if u want to call the origin method
static struct PHookHandle *strictMathCosHookHandle = nullptr;
//this method is used for processing hook logic (delegate the origin method)
extern "C" jdouble StrictMathCosHookDelegate(jdouble d) {
const char *TEST_TAG = "strict_math_hook";
logd(TEST_TAG, "StrictMath_cos() hook delegate called!");
logd(TEST_TAG, "native input: %0.2f", d);
//invoke origin func
jdouble result = ((jdouble (*)(jdouble d)) strictMathCosHookHandle->backup)(d);
jdouble mock = 671.123;
logd(TEST_TAG, "input: %0.2f, output:%0.2f, mock:%0.2f", d, result, mock);
return mock;
//invoke this mehthod to apply the hook!
bool hookStrictMathCos() {
logd(PNHOOK_BRIDGE_TAG, "inline hook start");
const char *libName = "";
const char *methodName = "StrictMath_cos";
void *hookDelegatePtr = (void *) StrictMathCosHookDelegate;
strictMathCosHookHandle = hookMethod(libName, methodName, hookDelegatePtr);
if (strictMathCosHookHandle != nullptr) {
return true;
} else {
return false;