A 3D-walkthrough-Gallery for painted images in 3D using Three.js.
This is my first try to create a 3D-web-gallery. It is far from finished, the code is still experimental, but it seems to work.
The images were painted in acrylic by Holger Pfaff. All 3d-models were created by Holger Pfaff and most of the javscript-code, except those magic libs like Three.js or Require.js.
All other textures are from http://textures.com/. The space-skybox was created by 'amethyst7' aka Chris Matz. The AssimJSONLoader.js was written by Alexander Gessler (http://www.greentoken.de). The code in PointerLockControls.js was written by mrdoob (http://mrdoob.com).
I used a lot of other javascript-snippets I found around the net, for example at http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/
Thanks to all people at the Three.js team and to all people around who help to provide examples.
The gallery is online at http://www.holger-pfaff.de
Have fun and send some feedback to [email protected]