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Purpose: Deep dive into coding and applying different blocks in 7 steps.

Based on MNIST dataset

Create a simple Convolutional Neural Network model and predict

Project Setup:

Clone the project as shown below:-

$ git clone [email protected]:pankaja0285/era_v1_session7_pankaja.git
$ cd era_v1_session7_pankaja

About the file structure

NOTE: List of libraries required: torch and torchsummary, tqdm for progress bar, which are installed using requirements.txt

One of 2 ways to run any of the notebooks, for instance era1_S7_0_BasicSetup.ipynb notebook:

  1. Using Anaconda prompt - Run as an administrator start jupyter notebook from the folder era_v1_session7_pankaja and run it off of your localhost
    NOTE: Without Admin privileges, the installs will not be correct and further import libraries will fail.
jupyter notebook
  1. Upload the notebook folder era_v1_session7_pankaja to google colab at and run it on colab
from google.colab import drive

%cd /gdrive/My\ Drive/ERA-V1/era_v1_session7_pankaja
import os
cwd = os.getcwd()

!pip install torchsummary

# Then the rest of the notebook from Import libraries etc.,

Context: The drill down analysis starts from Step 0 through Step 6 and the analysis is laid out as Target, Results and Analysis.

  • Target: what is the target we are setting up as
  • Results: what results we are getting
  • Analysis: basically analyzing what we are doing in the model in this step, what is the algorithm etc.,

Step 0:

File used: era1_S7_0_BasicSetup.ipynb

Target: - create a model structure set up


  • Total parameters are of the order of ~6 Million
  • Train accuracy of and test accuracy of


  • This base model Model_1 is just so we establish a structure set up and not be concerned
    with the train and test results.

Step 1:

File used: era1_S7_1_BasicSkeleton.ipynb

Target: - Establish the basic skeleton in terms of convolution and placement of transition blocks such as max pooling, 1x1's - Attempting to reduce the number of parameters as low as possible - Adding GAP and remove the last BIG kernel.


  • Total parameters: 4572
  • Best Training accuracy: 98.22
  • Best Test accuracy: 98.43


  • Structured the model as a new model class
  • The model is lighter with less number of parameters
  • The performace is reduced compared to previous models. Since we have reduced model capacity, this is expected, the model has capability to learn.
  • Next, we will be tweaking this model further and increase the capacity to push it more towards the desired accuracy.

Step 2:

File used: era1_S7_2_Batch_Normalization.ipynb

Target: - Add Batch-norm to increase model efficiency.


  • Parameters: 5,088
  • Best Train Accuracy: 99.02%
  • Best Test Accuracy: 99.03%


  • There is slight increase in the number of parameters, as batch norm stores a specific mean and std deviation for each layer.
  • Model overfitting problem is rectified to an extent. But, we have not reached the target test accuracy 99.40%.

Step 3:

File used: era1_S7_3_Dropout.ipynb

Target: - Add Batch-norm to increase model efficiency.


  • Parameters: 5,088
  • Best Train Accuracy: 99.02%
  • Best Test Accuracy: 99.03%


  • There is slight increase in the number of parameters, as batch norm stores a specific mean and std deviation for each layer.
  • Model overfitting problem is rectified to an extent. But, we have not reached the target test accuracy 99.40%.

Step 4:

File used: era1_S7_4_Fully_Connected_layer.ipynb

Target: - Add Regularization Dropout to each layer except last layer.


  • Parameters: 5,088
  • Best Train Accuracy: 97.94%
  • Best Test Accuracy: 98.64%


  • There is no overfitting at all. With dropout training will be harder, because we are droping the pixels randomly.
  • The performance has droppped, we can further improve it.
  • But with the current capacity,not possible to push it further.We can possibly increase the capacity of the model by adding a layer after GAP.

Step 5:

File used: era1_S7_5_Augmentation.ipynb

Target: - Add various Image augmentation techniques, image rotation, randomaffine, colorjitter


  • Parameters: 6124
  • Best Training Accuracy: 97.61
  • Best Test Accuracy: 99.32%


  • he model is under-fitting, that should be ok as we know we have made our train data harder.
  • However, we haven't reached 99.4 accuracy yet.
  • The model seems to be stuck at 99.2% accuracy, seems like the model needs some additional capacity towards the end.

Step 6:

File used: era1_S7_6_LRScheduler.ipynb

Target: - Add some capacity (additional FC layer after GAP) to the model and added LR Scheduler


  • Parameters: 6720
  • Best Training Accuracy: 99.43
  • Best Test Accuracy: 99.53


  • The model parameters have increased
  • The model is under-fitting. This is fine, as we know we have made our train data harder.
  • LR Scheduler and the additional capacity after GAP helped getting to the desired target 99.4, Onecyclic LR is being used, this seemed to perform better than StepLR to achieve consistent accuracy in last few layers

Python script files - details: - This has Model_1, Model_2, Model_3, Model_4, Model_5, Model_6, Model_7
in all 7 models to achieve as the final model Model_7 a train accuracy of 99.44 and test accuracy of 99.31

The illustration below shows how many layers are in this Convolution Neural Network that we have based upon and its details:- CNN diagram used - This file contains the following main functions

  • get_device() - checks for device availability for cuda, if not gives back cpu as set device
  • plot_sample_data() - plots a sample grid of random 12 images from the training data
  • plot_metrics() - plots the metrics - train and test - losses and accuracies respectively
  • show_summary() - displays the model summary with details of each layer
  • download_train_data() - downloads train data from MNIST
  • download_test_data() - downloads test data from MNIST
  • create_data_loader() - common data loader function using which we create both train_loader and test_loader by appropriately passing required arguments
  • train_and_predict() - trains the CNN model on the training data and uses the trained model to predict on the test data

More resources:

Some useful resources on MNIST and ConvNet:


For any questions, bug(even typos) and/or features requests do not hesitate to contact me or open an issue!


ERA-V1 Drill down convolution neural network






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