Task Tracker is a comprehensive Full Stack Todo Management application designed to simplify task tracking for both admin and regular users. The system offers a modular architecture ensuring scalability and easy maintenance. The backend is powered by Spring Boot 3, Spring Security 6, JWT, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate 6) and MySQL. The frontend is built with React JS 18+, Vite JS, and Bootstrap CSS for a seamless user experience.
- Add Todo: Create new tasks with title and description.
- Update Todo: Modify existing tasks.
- Delete Todo: Remove tasks from the list.
- Mark Todo as Complete/Incomplete: Update the status of tasks.
- View Todos: Access all tasks.
- View Todos: See the list of all tasks.
- Mark Todo as Complete/Incomplete: Update the status of tasks.
- Register: Create a new account.
- Login: Access the app using registered credentials.
- Logout: Securely exit the app.
- Spring Boot 3
- Spring Security 6: Security framework for securing the APIs.
- JWT (Json Web Token): For secure API authentication.
- Spring Data JPA (Hibernate 6)
- MySQL Database
- Postman
- React JS 18+
- Vite JS
- Bootstrap CSS
- Axios
Build REST APIs for TODO Management Module:
- Add Todo
- Get Todo
- Get All Todos
- Update Todo
- Delete Todo
- Complete Todo
- Incomplete Todo
Secure REST APIs using Spring Security and JWT:
Implement role-based authorization:
- Admin: Add, Get, Get All, Update, Delete, Complete, Incomplete Todos.
- User: Get, Get All, Complete, Incomplete Todos.
Build Register and Login REST APIs:
- Register REST API
- Login REST API
Use JWT for securing the React app.
This project provides a complete solution for managing todos with a clear separation of roles and responsibilities for admin and regular users, ensuring security and efficiency in task management.