let pamapp = Developer(
name: "Alina Potapova",
role: "iOS Developer",
tech: ["Swift", "SwiftUI", "UIKit", "CoreData"],
links: [
"telegram": "t.me/pamapp"
После успешной защиты дипломной работы я решила перевести свой проект на UIKit с целью расширения моих знаний и подготовки к его публикации в App Store. В настоящее время приложение находится на финальной стадии разработки, и я готова к его публикации.
PolyAlarm (2021) - iOS-application developed as a course project in the subject "Software Engineering". This is an alarm that adjusts to the student's schedule and notifies him when class starts (SwiftUI).
Memories (2022) - iOS-application developed as a research project at a university. It allows you to record the most memorable moments of your life (SwiftUI).
Memories 2.0 (2023) - iOS-application developed as a university graduate work. This is an improved version of Memories that uses a machine learning model to analyze text sentiment, allows the user to record audio messages, and has advanced statistics. Created as a prototype for the main version of the "Memoir" application (UIKit), which is currently in preparation for release on the app store (SwiftUI).
Memoir (2024) - the final version of the application, written in UIKit. Coming soon on AppStore (access is closed, I will open it at your request).
- Diabet (2022) - iOS-application for diabetics developed during an internship at First Line Software (now Code Format) in the third year of university. I gained skills in plist parsing.
Languages | |
Software development | |
Database | |
Interface development | |
Issue tracking |
- Факультет: Институт компьютерных наук и технологий
- Кафедра: Высшая школа программной инженерии
- Специальность: Фундаментальная информатика и информационные технологии
🇷🇺 Русский - Родной
🇬🇧 Английский - B2
✏️ Telegram: pamapp
✏️ Email: [email protected]
Активно ищу новые идеи и интересные предложения. Буду рада сотрудничеству или общению!