The Carpe Diem Update
280 commits
to beta
since this release
Major Changes
- Critical captures implemented
Minor Changes
- Enemy AI will no longer target allies with status moves
- Custom graveyard music by Firel added
- Wild Pokemon can no longer flee when using switch-out moves
- Cosmoem no longer has a level requirement for evolution
- Transform and Imposter no longer work with fused Pokemon to stop a number of crashes
- Starter IVs updated to 15 for new accounts and for Fresh Start
- Endless bosses will no longer be double battles
- Trainers can no longer use Pikachu/Eevee forms before wave 30
- Trainers can no longer use Battle Bond Greninja
- Your rival cannot have hidden abilities on their starter
Implementations and Fixes
- Forest's Curse and Trick Or Treat fully implemented
- Fairy Lock
- Future Sight and Doom Desire functionality improved
- Order Up 🍣
- Freeze Dry niche interactions implemented
- Grudge
- Upper Hand
- Mimicry
- Friend Guard
- Unburden
- Wimp Out and Emergency Exit 💧 🪲
- Commander (also acts as a lure ability) 🐋
Fixes and Changes to Moves and Abilities
- Sketch crash fixed
- Bouncy Bubble heals 50% now instead of 100%
- Chloroblast and Struggle no longer recoil if move fails
- Shed Tail and Baton Pass now fail if no valid teammate
- Camouflage prioritizes terrains when considering effect
- Encore bugs with move restrictions fixed
- Rage Fist and Belch effects persist after switching out
- Telekinesis' Ground-immunity now lasts 3 turns instead of 5
- Lunar Blessing / Jungle Healing now heal freeze
- Speed Boost no longer boosts speed on switching in
- Mold Breaker now ignores Shield Dust and Aroma Veil. Plus, Minus, Beads/Sword of Ruin no longer ignorable
- Shield Dust and Aroma Veil now ignorable
- Illuminate now ignores evasion boosts
- Synchronize-Psycho Shift now has its Generation V interaction
- Dauntless Shield and Intrepid Sword are now once per battle
- Catching charm
- Potions and Ethers spawn less often
- Multi-lens changed to function more like Parental Bond
- King's Rock no longer applies to moves that already flinch
- More localization
- Fixed sprites for Meganium, Doduo, and Torchic lines
- Improved cursor behavior for target selection in double battles
- Failed moves should now properly display a fail message
- Tooltips no longer go out of screen
- Pokemon sprite animations are now 10fps
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed interaction with frenzy moves and paralysis
- Fixed some incorrect localizations
- Fixed some TM compatabilities
- Fixed bug for no EXP gain
- Own Tempo Rockruff can evolve properly now
- Fixed improper item rarity calculation for MEs
- Biome transitions use proper seeded RNG
- Fixed a bug with boss HP segments interfering with healing
- Fixed visual bug of incorrect level displayed
- Fixed crash when a newly caught Pokemon is sent into battle
- Fixed bug with Pokemon not evolving at the right time
- Fixed crash for form change Pokemon fainting
- Fixed issue with some save files not working
Balance Changes
Mechanics and Items
- The default IVs of the 27 Starter Pokemon (on account creation and in Fresh Start) is now up from 10 to 15
- Updated the catching formula to Generation 6+, and added Critical Catches
- Disabled at the start of a new profile, this scales off of your "Species Caught" statistic
Species Caught Multiplier Scale for Critical Catches >800 - x2.5 601-800 - x2 401-600 - x1.5 201-400 - x1 101-200 - x0.5 <100 - x0 x0 in Fresh Start x2.5 in Daily Runs
- Disabled at the start of a new profile, this scales off of your "Species Caught" statistic
- Added the Catching Charm
- Rogue Tier
- Weight of 4
- Stacks 3 times
- Multiplies the critical catch chance further by x2, then x2.5, then x3 for each stack
- Will not generate if your Species Caught count is too low
- Reworked Multi-Lens
- Now functions closer to Parental Bond, but splits your damage
- Stacks 2 times
- Each stack takes away 25% of the damage from the initial hit and puts it to a second hit, splitting 75/25 with 1 and 50/25/25 for 2 of them
- No longer works with multihit moves, but works with set damage moves (with proper damage adjustment)
- Disabled King's Rock working for moves that already have a Flinch chance
- Potions should now roll less often in the item table
- Endure Token RNG fixed, also now only endures one hit and can be bypassed with multihits
- Set Rewards in Classic now properly take item weight into account
- Boss Segments no longer block healing items inconsistently, will now always heal through
Moves and Ability Changes
- Bouncy Bubble's healing has been reduced from 100% to 50% of damage done.
- With Commander implemented, it has been added as a Lure ability
Other Changes
- Removed the possibility of your Rival generating with a Hidden Ability on the Starter, and any trainers generating with a Battle Bond Greninja
- Removed the possibility of a Partner Pikachu/Eevee on trainers before wave 30
- Endless Mode bosses on wave x50's can no longer be double battles
Date: 2024/11/17