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Refactor: Common cleanup from Pulumi's bridge template (#108)
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* Set the version of the provider

* Refactor: Common cleanup from Pulumi's bridge template

This PR refactors the `resources.go` file by using several tfbridge builtins instead of
custom functions. It also replaces `"path/filepath"` with `"path"`, since we don't want
platform specific behavior for the go path. It removes any reference to
`PreConfigureCallback`, since that hook is not used.
iwahbe authored Feb 26, 2024
1 parent 193dadf commit 301b46b
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 44 deletions.
52 changes: 8 additions & 44 deletions provider/resources.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,18 +18,15 @@ import (
_ "embed"

pfbridge ""
shimv2 ""

pfbridge ""
shim ""
shimv2 ""

// all of the token components used below.
@@ -54,43 +51,18 @@ const (
iamMod = "Iam"

// boolRef returns a reference to the bool argument.
func boolRef(b bool) *bool {
return &b

// ovhMember manufactures a type token for the Ovh package and the given module and type.
func ovhMember(mod string, mem string) tokens.ModuleMember {
return tokens.ModuleMember(ovhPkg + ":" + mod + ":" + mem)

// ovhType manufactures a type token for the Ovh package and the given module and type.
func ovhType(mod string, typ string) tokens.Type {
return tokens.Type(ovhMember(mod, typ))

// ovhDataSource manufactures a standard resource token given a module and resource name.
// It automatically uses the Ovh package and names the file by simply lower casing the data
// source's first character.
func ovhDataSource(mod string, res string) tokens.ModuleMember {
fn := string(unicode.ToLower(rune(res[0]))) + res[1:]
return ovhMember(mod+"/"+fn, res)
return tfbridge.MakeDataSource(ovhPkg, mod, res)

// ovhResource manufactures a standard resource token given a module and resource name.
// It automatically uses the ovh package and names the file by simply lower casing the resource's
// first character.
func ovhResource(mod string, res string) tokens.Type {
fn := string(unicode.ToLower(rune(res[0]))) + res[1:]
return ovhType(mod+"/"+fn, res)

// preConfigureCallback is called before the providerConfigure function of the underlying provider.
// It should validate that the provider can be configured, and provide actionable errors in the case
// it cannot be. Configuration variables can be read from `vars` using the `stringValue` function -
// for example `stringValue(vars, "accessKey")`.
func preConfigureCallback(vars resource.PropertyMap, c shim.ResourceConfig) error {
return nil
return tfbridge.MakeResource(ovhPkg, mod, res)

//go:embed cmd/pulumi-resource-ovh/bridge-metadata.json
@@ -99,13 +71,10 @@ var bridgeMetadata []byte
// Provider returns additional overlaid schema and metadata associated with the provider..
func Provider() tfbridge.ProviderInfo {
// Instantiate the Terraform provider
//p := shimv2.NewProvider(ovh.Provider())

p := pfbridge.MuxShimWithPF(

// Create a Pulumi provider mapping
@@ -161,15 +130,14 @@ func Provider() tfbridge.ProviderInfo {
Default: &tfbridge.DefaultInfo{
EnvVars: []string{"OVH_APPLICATION_SECRET"},
Secret: boolRef(true),
Secret: tfbridge.True(),
"consumer_key": {
Default: &tfbridge.DefaultInfo{
EnvVars: []string{"OVH_CONSUMER_KEY"},
PreConfigureCallback: preConfigureCallback,
Resources: map[string]*tfbridge.ResourceInfo{
"ovh_cloud_project": {
Tok: ovhResource(cloudProjectMod, "Project"),
@@ -851,10 +819,6 @@ func Provider() tfbridge.ProviderInfo {
"@types/node": "^10.0.0", // so we can access strongly typed node definitions.
"@types/mime": "^2.0.0",
// See the documentation for tfbridge.OverlayInfo for how to lay out this
// section, or refer to the AWS provider. Delete this section if there are
// no overlay files.
//Overlay: &tfbridge.OverlayInfo{},
Python: &tfbridge.PythonInfo{
PackageName: "pulumi_ovh",
@@ -864,7 +828,7 @@ func Provider() tfbridge.ProviderInfo {
Golang: &tfbridge.GolangInfo{
ImportBasePath: filepath.Join(
ImportBasePath: path.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("[1]s/sdk/", ovhPkg),

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