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Adam Hooper edited this page May 18, 2020 · 25 revisions

Running your own PostgreSQL server? Using S3 for file storage? It sounds like you need to configure Overview.

The only way to configure Overview is environment variables.

In overview-local, you set environment variables by editing the file config/overview.env. (Use config/overview.defaults.env as a guide.)

If you aren't using overview-local, we assume you know how to set environment variables.

So, what are you waiting for? Get configuring!

Environment variables

The "Default" column is what you'll see if you use without custom configuration.

Hosting (on an intranet or the Internet)

Security: understand that anybody on your computer's network can access your Overview instance. Some networks, such as schools, tend to allow traffic from the entire Internet. Follow the security advice to protect your documents.

Variable Default Meaning
OV_APPLICATION_SECRET (a long string) Security Set this to a 100-char random string, or a hacker could fake cookies and log in
OV_MULTI_USER false If false, everybody is logged in as [email protected]. For Security, use true and set OV_URL to enforce SSL during login.
OV_URL (unset) If set, redirect users to this URL if they reached Overview via another URL.
OV_DOMAIN_NAME (unset) See overview-local docs. We encourage you to set OV_URL and OV_MULTI_USER if you set this, so errors in your configuration won't make all your documents public.
OV_ALLOW_REGISTRATION true Allow anyone to register a new account
SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, SMTP_SSL, SMTP_TLS, SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD, MAIL_FROM (unset) SMTP server settings. If unset, emails will be printed to standard output. Overview uses SMTP for user registration and password reset.
OV_ADMIN_ONLY_EXPORT false Allow only admin users to export and share document sets

Internal Logic

Variable Default Meaning
OV_N_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIERS 4 Maximum number of content-type detections to perform at once. These are usually cheap, but sometimes they involve networking. (worker only)
OV_MAX_DOCUMENTS 2000000 Maximum number of documents per document set
OV_MAX_CHARS_PER_DOCUMENT 655360 Maximum number of characters to ingest in a document. Subsequent characters will be ignored. To estimate RAM cost, multiply this number by 1,000.
OV_CLUSTERING_MEMORY 2500m Maximum amount of memory to use when building a Tree
OV_MAX_MB_PER_SORT 200 Maximum amount of memory to use when the user sorts a document set by a metadata field (in MB). Overview will use temporary files when you surpass this; they're a bit slower.
OV_N_CONCURRENT_SORTS 2 Maximum number of document sets to sort simultaneously (for multi-user installations). (Maximum system-wide sort memory will be this times OV_MAX_MB_PER_SORT.)
OV_SEARCH_DIRECTORY /var/lib/overview/searchindex/prod Where to store search-index data. Cannot be changed for overview-local.
DATABASE_SERVER_NAME localhost PostgreSQL hostname
DATABASE_PORT 5432 PostgreSQL port
DATABASE_NAME overview PostgreSQL database name
DATABASE_USERNAME overview PostgreSQL username, owner of the database
DATABASE_PASSWORD overview PostgreSQL password; set anything if auth method is trust
DATABASE_SSL_FACTORY If org.postgresql.ssl.NonValidatingFactory, don't validate server certificate even if DATABASE_SSL is true
BLOB_STORAGE_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY ./blob-storage Where to store files (uploaded files will be written in this folder after they're processed). Cannot be changed for overview-local.
BLOB_STORAGE_PAGE_DATA_LOCATION file:page-data Where to store page images. Use s3:my-overview-page-data-bucket for S3
BLOB_STORAGE_FILE_CONTENTS_LOCATION file:file-contents Where to store original uploaded files after they're processed
BLOB_STORAGE_FILE_VIEW_LOCATION file:file-view Where to store searchable-PDF representations of uploaded files
MESSAGE_BROKER_HOSTNAME localhost Address of worker, accessible to frontend
MESSAGE_BROKER_PORT 9030 Port of worker, accessible to frontend
MESSAGE_BROKER_CLIENT_HOSTNAME localhost Address of frontend, accessible to worker
MESSAGE_BROKER_CLIENT_PORT 9031 Port of frontend, accessible to worker
REDIS_HOST localhost Address of Redis server
REDIS_PORT 9020 Port of Redis server

External Services

Variable Default Meaning
DOCUMENTCLOUD_URL If you're running against a custom DocumentCloud server, set this
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID (unset) If set, use Google Analytics
INTERCOM_APP_ID, INTERCOM_SECRET_KEY (unset) If set, replace "Contact us" link with a "Talk to us" link that uses Intercom


Overview is open-source. We support slight tweaks to the user interface if you wish to present your own version of Overview to your own users.

Variable Default Meaning
OV_WELCOME_BANNER (empty) Message to display on welcome screen (if multi-user). Must be valid HTML. Show a logo if not set.
OV_BRAND_FAVICON_ICO_URL (internal) URL for a <link rel="shortcut icon" href="..." />
OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_URL (internal) URL for the logo displayed in the navbar. The logo height must be 40px, and it should show the brand name. If you set this, set all three: OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_URL, OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_2X_URL and OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_WIDTH_PX.
OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_2X_URL (internal) URL for a "2x" (Retina) logo displayed in the navbar.
OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_WIDTH_PX (internal) Width of OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_URL. If you set OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_URL and do not set OV_BRAND_LOGO_H40PX_WIDTH_PX, your logo will appear distorted.
OV_BRAND_CONTACT_URL default "Contact" link displayed in the navbar and in emailed notifications.


  • Our sbt test and development environments ignore some of these environment variables. If you're having trouble setting them, fiddle with project/Build.scala. (Are you sure you know what you're doing? You shouldn't need to change these variables. Tread carefully.)
  • To understand where these variables are read, look at common/src/main/resources/reference.conf (shared settings), worker/src/main/conf/application.conf (worker settings) and conf/application.conf (server settings).
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